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Micki!'s manga drawings (and non manga if i feel like it)

Started by MincyMatsu, February 01, 2007, 03:08:10 PM

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Can you be more spicific, i made alot of her :D

Or you meant the recent one i just posted..?
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

heh.. That's pretty funny. ^_^
Reminds me a bit of some of the old classic cartoons where the characters interact with their creators... An episode of Betty Boop comes to mind.


Quote from: Lord Il on July 30, 2007, 02:17:38 PM
heh.. That's pretty funny. ^_^
Reminds me a bit of some of the old classic cartoons where the characters interact with their creators... An episode of Betty Boop comes to mind.

You gave me an idea that i thougt of putting in a re-amke of it with that sentence...

I should draw my actual hand holding a pencil, hovereing over part of the drawing, so you actually See what she's refering to...

Like that episode of Looney Toons where Bug Bunny is teh artist of an episode, and freaks out Duffy by doing all sorts of stuff against him haha :D
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Quote from: Micki! on July 30, 2007, 02:13:53 PM
Can you be more spicific, i made alot of her :D

Or you meant the recent one i just posted..?

The recent one. :O


Quote from: Micki! on July 30, 2007, 01:46:21 PM
I made this out of boredom (85% of my stuff does that haha)

I didn't use any reference for this one, so there's bound to be found some errors on it

It's done one those small sketch papers i have...
Il Palazzo looks very unclear because of the tiny paper size :o
So i thought about re-making it on an A4 paper... Meaning, it being the same case as my "Shioji and Second" and "Professor Nishiki" drawings, which both had mini versions too, before i made bigger ones haha :D

I see you have been watching the anime recently as this Excel and Ilpala look like the anime XD

Lord Il

Quote from: Micki! on July 30, 2007, 02:35:18 PM
Quote from: Lord Il on July 30, 2007, 02:17:38 PM
heh.. That's pretty funny. ^_^
Reminds me a bit of some of the old classic cartoons where the characters interact with their creators... An episode of Betty Boop comes to mind.

You gave me an idea that i thougt of putting in a re-amke of it with that sentence...

I should draw my actual hand holding a pencil, hovereing over part of the drawing, so you actually See what she's refering to...

Like that episode of Looney Toons where Bug Bunny is teh artist of an episode, and freaks out Duffy by doing all sorts of stuff against him haha :D
With that sentence? lol!!

Yep, I know the one.. Daffy was being driven absolutely insane (not that he isn't already!) by Bugs' editing his backgrounds and then editing Daffy himself. Loved that. Very clever.

I did something similar to this a loooong time ago in one of my 'bored' moments at school. It featured me drawing Lydia Deetz from the Beetlejuice cartoon and having her complain after she realizes I drew her onto the piece of paper...... er..... yeah, kinda lame, but anyways.. ^^;; Don't know what was in my head to do that at the time. bwahaha..


Well, i'm not going as far like Bugs did with Daffy... But i might at least draw my hand being "there"...

Haha, ias i said, no reference used...

I did however watch the anime some days before though... it might have influenced my recent memory of Excel and Il Palazzo :o

A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'




cool cosplay pics starcat..your hot lol. nice im trying to get some pics of mine but i cant seem to find them
ay im a otuku and a metalhead. put them togeather and i become god. check me out on myspace ..marry me excel!!!


I believe you are posting this in the wrong thread..?

Starcat's Cosplay thread is somewhere else in the creativity forum... ;)
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


yet again, i post nothing else then sketches... i should go finish some real drawings for once, if my laziness didn't stand in my way...

It's shioji... i like drawing him... hehe

It's a part of Second's head... i have no idea why i made it in this perspective... i just felt like it...

Note that these first two are very greyish in color... it's because it's originally drawn on pink phone note papers... i just grey scaled them

There's no eal reaoson why the heck i made this one either...

It's Misaki... It sucks not using a reference, because i can't tell what i'm doing wrong (didn't have any manga with me, was in scool)

This isn't manga... it's Duke Nukem...

It also sucks using pen only, because i can't erase and fix them :/
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'



He's just coming to do some ROUTINE MAINTENANCE. It's for her own good.


Quote from: Uncreativity on August 16, 2007, 09:07:55 AM
He's just coming to do some ROUTINE MAINTENANCE. It's for her own good.

Great excuse to use guess there... that's exactly what happens...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


I made these two yesterday evening...

Yes, out of boredom...

A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'