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Micki!'s manga drawings (and non manga if i feel like it)

Started by MincyMatsu, February 01, 2007, 03:08:10 PM

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A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'



"Say goodbye to your nuts, squirrel!"

Hee, hee, hee, hee, hee!

Sick, but funny!




Hmm that makes me think of posting my comics series that I draw for local papers in this forum section, maybe i will >.>

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.


Quote from: skycloud117 on September 20, 2007, 11:19:37 AM
Hmm that makes me think of posting my comics series that I draw for local papers in this forum section, maybe i will >.>

I think you should... Afterall, there's not much of a chance many of us outsiders get to see your local newspaper...

So, it kinda spreads the word :P
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


I sketched stuff at school again..

This Is Sumiyoshi with Ropponmatsu on his back... Inspired of one certain artwork by Rikudou...
Although, no reference used for it... I mean, it's just a sketch :o

These are sketches that i might use for my fanart Comic of Excel Saga

A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'



Excel looks pissed in that second one, bout to break out her hollow mask!

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.


I could explain, but i think that would sorta spoil my comic for you guys, when it's done...  :hdead:

It's my first manga styled comic ever, and my first comic done in Photoshop as well... So i'm heading a new direction with this project... In a direction that ufnortunately is very new and unkown to me, so it's taking forever... I have to improvise alot, i have no idea howthose real artists create them...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


very true, the amount of detail i see in manga is truly insane, how do they make all those things like showing someone in partial motion or moving fast....

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.


Quote from: skycloud117 on October 05, 2007, 09:06:28 AM
very true, the amount of detail i see in manga is truly insane, how do they make all those things like showing someone in partial motion or moving fast....

They make those moving-lines, and don't draw all parts of the body part that is moving, to add the illusion of something moving so fast that you don't clearly see whatever is moving...

You know, like when you move your own hand rapidly back and forth in front of you... From the middle part, of wher the hand is moving, you can't possibly clearly see year hand in all detail... the most clearly seen parts when moving it fast, is the end of each side where the hand stops moving in one direction and to the other...

You know, it would be easier to draw this, and clearly explain exactly what i just said here... But is that really needed..?

A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Oh I fully understand, but the amount of detail needed to create that illusion is so much more complex then simply drawing it as if it was standing still, like looking close at some of them there are hundreds of tiny lines in place of the line that would be the outline of the body. The shading that gives the body its three dimensional look, its just seems so vastly hard to get all the details in...

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.


It's just a matter of style used... Some manage to create something like this in the most simple ways...

It's like when people create this overly über detailed looking model of a character, with shading and all... But in reality, it's just a mess of lines, and not carefully drawn lines as one would have thought, the style however, makes it look pretty much equally as detailed as those carefully-drawn-out lines...

So it's the same case here, it really doesn't have to be complex, as long as the style used (assuing you've developed one) does the job well... I think it's a matter of placement and angles and stuff, that makes these speed-lines look as complex as they do, simply because they fit so well where they were placed, but in itself, they are fairly simple to create...

So again, just an illusion, but it's not only how to draw them (like i assumed, only requires a certain style that fits) but mainly just hwere they are put, and how they are used...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


I quickly made this one at school before going home... It's two chibi styled teenage students standing with an empty sign... Empty, because i made it for Skycloud, as he asked for examples of how i make chibi like characters (well, i ASSUME you meant that) So i thought, why bother, this is how far as i had to go haha

Bleh anyways, the sketch
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'