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Micki!'s manga drawings (and non manga if i feel like it)

Started by MincyMatsu, February 01, 2007, 03:08:10 PM

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Yay i finished it...
Next i'm going to color it, since i already did half the work for Roppon, it shouldn't take too long with Prof Shiouji...

A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Mad Hatteress

...I love it and yet at the same time feel like I'll be going to Hell for looking at it.


We'll meet down there then, looking forward to it... definitely cheaper than a plane ticket...

And that Watanabe emoticon fits in so well El Sargento :D
I also made a colored version, though i don't like is as much...

The following ones are pure color, B&W version of the full colored one, and an alternate colored version using a diffeent layer style, causing the colors to blend in very differently...

Personally i like the B&W one the most

Thanks sooo much for comments...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Love the new versions... in the same way as Hat.  :il_hahaha: You need to make me a Miwa though, for serious. I'll give you a... uhhh.. special award?
Ok, that sounds dirty. A gold star? ...nah, still sounds vaguely dirty. Confound it!
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.

Mad Hatteress

Oh god... Micki! doing something with Miwa is giving me all sorts of bad thoughts! Especially if he puts her with Umi! Wait... I'm super tired today so I'm having a brain fart. Umi is Shioji's cousin's name, right?


An award O_O

But yeah, Umi is Shiouji's cousin, Miwa his aunt..!
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


It's soon halloween and stuff, and although we don't celebrate that here in Denmark, i always get into editing mood for avatars and such... This yeah i colored an older drawing i made in photoshop, i'm quite pleased with it actually, so i am sharing 4 versions of it here...

Here is the colored version, a brownish-red dress, and the same picture without the linework, if i could vector, i'd have tried to re-create the linework on there or something...

Here is the same as above again, but with a black and white dress instead, because it looks more shady and dark you know... the last is a completely black and white version with no lines, i thought it had a neat style to it like that...

The original scan is bigger than these, but i only uploaded them in these size here...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Mad Hatteress

WHAT?! That's my favorite holiday! Do you guys have something else or is the 31st treated like any other day?

Gawd, that witch ROCKS! You need to draw more original characters; they always look so great!


We have a costume thingy called Fastelavn, but it's just a kiddy thing really, and nothing big at all...

Thanks alot though ..! I'm too lazy to think up original character all the time, i like to stick with fanart usually...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

This time each year I usually make a Halloween-ish type theme with my avatar and sig.

Micki!, could I use your witch design this year?


yeah sure you can, here's a transparent and full size version i just made (how convenient that i finished this just now :o)
It should be easier to edit it into other stuff if you plan to do that, with this transparent version...

I am as a matter of fact using it as avatar myself on a different forum...

The actual image used is this one, where i removed the glitterly shiny stuff from her finger and put an Alien Facehugger on it instead...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


So cute! If it weren't for the panty shot, this would be my Halloween wallpaper. Aw, heck it still might be! But I don't think I can get rid of That Panda anyways. :D
...judging by my previous post, I think I owe you an award.

Okies, there you go. Ha, I commandeered your art thread. Hahahaha! Now everyone will admire MY art skills. Oh yes.
You decide: creepy eye or shittily rendered ribbon!

Halloween, only for kiddies? :O No traipsing around in cosplay with a drink in hand and your dignity folded away with your normality in a tiny origami crane of shame?
Aside from that, no pleading for gut-poisoning sweets from strangers? Umi quite fiercely disapproves!  :umi:
Tip for all the kiddies out there in fiction land: DON'T GO TO THE SHIOJI HOUSE TRICK-OR-TREATING. EVER.
You will get abducted, poisoned, and smothered. In which order is anyone's guess. There may be robots and amnesiacs about, too. Or a cyborg battle. At any rate, it's not worth the full-size candy bars they hand out after Umi's popcorn balls poison that one kid.

The candy is a lie.
It's laced with Spanish fly.

A poem for you in honor of me derailing this thread. <3

Seriously though, look at me, so US-centric. You must forgive me. I'm surprised that Halloween thing surprised me.  :il_hahaha:

I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


Thanks for the award, i'd totally wear that if i could <3
It took me like 3 hours or something to properly colorize and finish that pic... It takes me quite a while as i'm not used to coloring, but i hope i become better and faster at it some day...

Also, i meant Fastelavn was for kiddies, the Danish costume party... It's a Scandinavian thing, nothing big and only for kids really...
It's kinda like a mini-hallloween + Piñata party in one...

I'd love halloweeen here, spooky decorations and awesome costumes, CANDY...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


micki ::grovel, grovel, grovel:: could you draw a ghost and excel please :: grovel, grovel, grovel ::