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Person above you game Version 2.0!

Started by Her Excellency The Pink Bunny, February 07, 2007, 08:30:07 AM

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^will be the person remembered who shot Al Gore


^ Is far too unimaginative.  Shooting isn't nearly gory enough for the task.

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny


^ is a hacker of reality, thus caught a cold from me because of it

< just found out why the hell im getting sick lately

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

^Is sick from eating to many cars from the signature above me



^is getting off :hdead:

-Shouta, The Haibane
"Meet the killer whale with a license to practice law. Orca in the Court, tonight on Sick, Sad World


^ is getting IT on

< actually believe it or not my stepmother gave me a "poisoned" pillow o.o

Lord Il

^Has now confuzzled me worse than knumlab usually does in this thread! :e_shocked:

("Poisoned" pillow?? Do tell. This is why you've been sick? And really, isn't this a stepmothers' duty to do such things to their step kids? Y'know...... the whole evil stepmother bit?) =P

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny




^Need cheat codes for let meow meow :g_hail:

-Shouta, the Haibane
"Meet the killer whale with a license to practice law. Orca in the Court, tonight on Sick, Sad World

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny


^ has been turned into a mudkip by a wizard...


^Oh, you touch my Mudkip. Mm, my ding ding splash.

-Shouta, The Haibane
"Meet the killer whale with a license to practice law. Orca in the Court, tonight on Sick, Sad World