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Crazy Youtube Videos

Started by HA1L ILPALLAZZO, February 22, 2007, 11:39:12 AM

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Lord Il

Looking around on YouTube there are some good and some really bad anime figure reviews to be found.
And then there's this.. :il_hahaha:

(Hey, it was actually quite good!)

Lord Il

Lord Il

You guys are gonna kill me with the number of MMD vids I post here.. :il_hahaha:

Anyone remember this song from Green Jelly a while back?

Lord Il

This MMD vid is bound to cause some amount of brain cell damage..

Don't click. Don't do it!!!

Lord Il

Any Kings of Leon fans out there?

:eevil: :eevil: :eevil:
:eevil: :eevil:

Lord Il

Portal fans will get a kick out of this one:

Lord Il

Some may have already heard about the Hatsune Miku music vids being pulled from Youtube due to fraudulent copyright claims. Apparently most of these targeted vids have notably high hit counts and contain english subs. Here's a clever vid about it:
MIKU disappears from youtube

Even those who don't like Miku and Vocaloids in general have been venting some frustration about it. If something like this can happen to a virtual diva, what's next on the menu? The 'net is very strange indeed..

Lord Il

Came across this by accident and glad I found it. The song is from Boards of Canada - Everything You Do is a Balloon. This video is a fan edit of a 1960s bicycle safety video (a strange one). But when combined with this song you almost get something ominous about it.
Watch this fan edit vid first

Then watch the original video to put it into perspective..

Lord Il

Okay, time for a vid to really showcase what this Crazy YouTube Video thread is all about. Let's kick it into overdrive. :e_wink:

Most of you have seen, or at least heard of the Cinnamon Challenge vids that's been on YouTube lately. The challenge is to try swallowing a heaping tablespoon of cinnamon. Very few can do it, but I've seen it done a couple times.
And then there's a vid like this from Onision that goes to the extreme..  :e_shocked:
Cinnamon Challenge OVERKILL
(Fair warning to all: This can get kinda gross. At about 3:46 he pukes a bit!)

:elcry: "Why? Why did I, Elgala, watch something so disgusting?! ewwww...."
:e_annoyed:"Admit it, El. It was like a train wreck and you couldn't look away no matter what."


After all these years, AMV Blitz 2 has been very quietly released to Youtube.

There are a few Excel clips, including one by me (though mine is not the best, nor is mine the best of my clips.)

Some duds, but some great stuff, too.


Lord Il

Quote from: Inkwolf on March 19, 2012, 10:55:47 AM
After all these years, AMV Blitz 2 has been very quietly released to Youtube.

There are a few Excel clips, including one by me (though mine is not the best, nor is mine the best of my clips.)

Some duds, but some great stuff, too.
Did I count something like 24 different clips you made for that?? :e_shocked: Phenomenal!


Quote from: Lord Il on March 21, 2012, 05:16:17 PM

Did I count something like 24 different clips you made for that?? :e_shocked: Phenomenal!

Yeah, they didn't get enough submissions, so they even put in some of the ones I never thought would make the cut. On the other hand, some of my stuff that I think sucks has been mentioned by people as favorites, so there's no accounting for taste. :D

I'm probably out of video editing now, since I really can't figure out the version of iMovie that came with my upgrade to Snow Leopard. All those Blitz clips were made about two years ago. The only thing I've done since the upgrade is a Haré + Guu thing to Monk "It's a Jungle Out There" which Bandai kicked off Youtube.

My only Excel Saga clip was Accident, but there were other Excel clips, some of them really funny.


Lord Il

Quote from: Inkwolf on March 21, 2012, 07:34:26 PM
Quote from: Lord Il on March 21, 2012, 05:16:17 PM

Did I count something like 24 different clips you made for that?? :e_shocked: Phenomenal!

Yeah, they didn't get enough submissions, so they even put in some of the ones I never thought would make the cut. On the other hand, some of my stuff that I think sucks has been mentioned by people as favorites, so there's no accounting for taste. :D
Hey, like I always say, many of us tend to be our own worst critics.

Quote from: Inkwolf on March 21, 2012, 07:34:26 PM
I'm probably out of video editing now, since I really can't figure out the version of iMovie that came with my upgrade to Snow Leopard. All those Blitz clips were made about two years ago. The only thing I've done since the upgrade is a Haré + Guu thing to Monk "It's a Jungle Out There" which Bandai kicked off Youtube.
I've heard the folks at Bandai are particularly bad for doing that. A very bad move by them since it's stuff like this which can help generate sales - It's good, free advertising. A few of my anime purchases have been influenced by AMVs/parody clips.

Quote from: Inkwolf on March 21, 2012, 07:34:26 PM
My only Excel Saga clip was Accident, but there were other Excel clips, some of them really funny.
You should upload them to YouTube to share with the masses! Am I right on this, or what?? :ehail:


Quote from: Lord Il on March 22, 2012, 02:45:45 PM

Quote from: Inkwolf on March 21, 2012, 07:34:26 PM
My only Excel Saga clip was Accident, but there were other Excel clips, some of them really funny.
You should upload them to YouTube to share with the masses! Am I right on this, or what?? :ehail:

I meant the other ones in Blitz2. (Not by me...Already on Youtube!) The Retards one was very funny, IMO, Time to get ill was pretty good, too.

If I ever have the time to figure out the new iMovie, there are a few more I'd like to do, though.


Lord Il

Ah, "I see!" said the blind man. :e_wink:

<---(blind as a bat)