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My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)

Started by I'M Eh-chan!, February 28, 2007, 08:19:55 PM

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Lord Il

^heh.. That's cute. ^_^ That's the dozy sort of facial expression that I'd expect her to have.

I'm kinda glad you went with brown hair instead of the blue.

Although at the same time, I think many identify her with having blue hair from the anime. Either way is fine.


I'M Eh-chan!

@Lord il:

Manga Hyatt blows anime Hyatt out of the water in terms of cuteness IMO.  This flash is based on the manga anyways (in terms of personalities and...Elgala) so of course I went with the brown hair.  In fact, no one said anything about Excel's hair either (I made it blond blond instead of orange blond).

@El Sargento:

Hmmm, I suppose, but I was basing it off of Micki!'s drawing anyway, and that's how he drew it.  Either way, here she is with shorter hair:

I'll let you guys decide which you prefer.


Let it stay shorter i say...
I originally wanted it shorter too, but then there'd be traces of ugly erased pencil lines left (sometimes i press too hard... bad habit of mine) That's why i didn't edit the original drawing... I completely forgot to tell you about this, so it's good El Sargento pointed it out...  :)
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

I'M Eh-chan!

Quote from: "HerExellencyThePinkBunny"I think her breasts look weird IMO

In what way?

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

They don't look normal...they look all saggy!

Lord Il

I'M Eh-chan!

Lord Il

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

I'M Eh-chan!


I take it Excel and Elgala are fine then?

Lord Il

Plain clothes Excel has the similar sort of thing, but nothing serious.

As for Elgala.... well, I think we all can agree that she's a big girl anyhow, so no probs there. ^^; (And No! I'm not implying that she is fat! Although Excel certainly would. :lol: )

I'M Eh-chan!

Okay then:

(I lined it up with Hyatt)

You can also see some other minor revisions I made to this one.

Lord Il

^She looks a bit more happy and bright instead of demented and scary.  :P  

The other look suited her just as well though. lol!