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What game did you buy most recently?

Started by BloodShed, August 04, 2007, 11:28:18 AM

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Mr Crispy

Chaos Wars.

I know Idea Factory games suck, but I bought it anyway.  :elcry:

On top of being mediocre, O3's given it one of the worst english dubs ever. (skip to 5:14 for the best part)

And that's not even the worst VAing in the game... I'd give that to Tontay and Zeros, who sound like an 8 year old with a speech impediment mumbling inaudibly into the microphone.


I just got Crisis Core and FF: Tactics...oh and a PSP as well.

And I'm going to be ordering Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 very soon.


just bought Lego Indiana Jones  :ehail:


Quote from: Necrominion on June 06, 2008, 05:08:39 AM
Just went out and brought Lost Odessey and Eternal Sonata for the 360....mainly because my 360 has just been returned after giving me the red ring of doom.

F.Y.I. (in case you didn't know) Polka's voice is done by Hirano Aya, (voice of Suzumiya Haruhi) when I found out I almost died!!!
appiness is like a duck...
so watch more T.V.


Heh...its also an addictive game.  20 hours of my life has been sucked up by it, and i can see another 15 before the weeks out.
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't many people happy?


Bought these

Combat Flight Simulator
Crimson Skies

Trials 2: Second Edition

Monster Truck Madness

Tank Universal
I fear no evil, for I am fear incarnate!


I bought myself lego indiana jones, lego starwars (again), assassins creed (ps3 version, much better than crappy xbox360) and one for releasing my stress, soldier of fortune: payback, plenty of body dismemberment and not for minors


Ninja Gaiden 2.  People say it doesn't live up to the pedigree of its predecessors, but I disagree, I think it's amazing.


Just got myself .hack part one and half-life 1 for the PS2.  Got both of them for £11 and thought it was a steal.
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't many people happy?


Is ninja gaiden 2 just has hard has the first one on the xbox


Quote from: exckilla on June 24, 2008, 11:58:20 AM
Is ninja gaiden 2 just has hard has the first one on the xbox
Acolyte mode is easier, though it's harder than Black's Ninja Dog.  Warrior is about as difficult as the normal difficulty in the two on the Xbox, and Mentor/Master Ninja (which you can only unlock once you beat the game on either Acolyte or Warrior) are MUCH harder than any difficulty level in the first two.  Of course, this is all just my opinion. ;)


Just got House of the Dead 2&3 return.  And Ouendan 2 finally came I've only been playing that...


QuoteI know Idea Factory games suck, but I bought it anyway.  elcry

On top of being mediocre, O3's given it one of the worst english dubs ever.





That is the worst dubbing I have ever heard, bar none.  I think I lost some brain cells, and I really need those.  Wow.

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move


Finally have a HD TV now I can experience the true power of high definition gaming, mwhahahahahaha

Lord Il

Quote from: ElricJC on June 25, 2008, 08:02:54 AM
QuoteI know Idea Factory games suck, but I bought it anyway.  elcry

On top of being mediocre, O3's given it one of the worst english dubs ever.





That is the worst dubbing I have ever heard, bar none.  I think I lost some brain cells, and I really need those.  Wow.
How about the original Resident Evil 1 for the PlayStation? :il_hahaha:
Ah, what a classic..