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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Started by super llama, October 22, 2007, 09:39:51 PM

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Just finished the series off about a week ago or so, and

This has gotta be my favorite series to have come out this decade so far. Can't wait for the boxset to come out :kabapu-1:

Seriously, if some of you guys haven't seen it, check it out-it's made out of pure awesome with a high concentration of win.


epic win. wins internets lol i love these expressions. True this series rules. but somehow I find Eva only slightly better. the best thing Gainax ever did was Kare Kano (my favourite anime).


I'm concidering just blindly to buy this anime just like that...
A friend of mine recomended it to me, and just so i don't spoil myself, i decided not to look into the series at all untill i get it... Because according to him, it's too epic to allow myself to get spoiled...

I guess it's a very good series then... As long it contains loads of humor, crazy scenes, and creative original scenes i'm all for it...
...If just they'd release a full collection by now, and not several seperate versions of it... It's getting extremely confusing to me...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


^^ Yeah, it is a bit confusing. I'd recommend going to a store and actually looking at them, it's a lot easier to figure it out in person. Then you can order them online if you want.


Don't got it in retail stores here in denmark, at least not around where i live, so i don't got that option unfortunately...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Ah.... well, I could help you out if you were looking at Amazon or something.

Lord Il

It can be confusing when wanting to buy this.
Here's a breakdown for those who need to be 'in the know' about the release:

ADV originally bought the licensing rights, apparently even english dubbed it, but later sold off the license to Bandai.

And far as I know, Bandai now has the series released as an English subtitle only format with a English dub release soon to follow (probably out now actually).

I would recommend to anyone wanting to buy this to check which one of the two available versions you want - the bare bones English sub only, or the regular version with all the bells and whistles.

IMO, the english voice for Kamina sucks ass. All other english voices were pretty good.


I'd like the english dub in it, it adds replay value to the whole series for me...

As for now, i haven't been able to find a single full collection... There are these 3 parts that combined become the full series, but damnit, there has to be a full collection boxset with all of it bundled... I'be been looking for that, no luck yet...

I usually only buy these things from,, (-rarely), and

Pretty good websites, actually has a few for ridiculously low prices... But none of them seems to be a full collection...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


There is no full box set at the moment.

That collection of 3 sets is still being released, and is what you want right now (unless you want to wait for a box set to be released, which I've heard nothing about as of now). Currently the first two "sets" (containing 2 DVDs each) have been released. The third and final set (containing the fifth and sixth dvds) will be released on March 17th.


Perhaps i should wait for now, untill the third one is available...
I've got plenty other series to look for anyhow... Still gotta complete my PaniPoni Dash! collection, and get the complete boxset of Abenobashi, and i thought of getting FLCL as well...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Lord Il


So about the movie(s):

There's two films, and they recap the show. Poey and I saw the first one a few days ago at Anime Expo. The animation is largely the same (which isn't too surprising since in the show it was top notch). It's about 2-2.5 hours so they had to brush over a lot of stuff. It's hard to say if the pacing felt rushed, having seen the series already I was able to follow along completely and fill in all the gaps. However, what the scenes they kept in were almost exactly the same.
Until they start fighting the four generals + Viral...which they fight all at the same time.
That's the big change, and it's even more awesome than whatever you can imagine. Made the close timing of release totally worth it for me. Having a crowd of people yell "GIGA DRILL BREAKER!!!1@!31" didn't hurt either.  :il_hahaha:

At the panel with the directors they said the second film would 1) explore the Anti-Spiral character a bit more, and 2) be even bigger...

Also, they played a 45 minute documentary on the production which was pretty interesting if you're into that side of things. The main directors are pretty entertaining guys as well.

Mad Hatteress

I saw a decent amount of this anime on SciFi but I really need to pick it up now that it has been released in store. I usually hate animes with giant robots but there was so much more depth then just robots duking it out!

After not being able to watch for awhile I was devistated when I was able to tune in and learned that you-know-who had died! I've never been depressed by an anime character death before!


Yeah that was a huge shocker, we couldn't believe it either.

It's not really quite a typical mecha show cus the mechs in it are very human like and animated. IE not very robotic. They talk like people, move like people, etc. A bit more cartoony, in a good way.