A repository for any and all visual media pertaining to ACROSS (the organization for the promotion of the institutionalization of the [supreme ideological] ideal [on Earth])
Non-Excel Saga artwork created by Rikdo Koshi or art of related works (e.g. Holy Brownie, Puni Puni Poemy) created by others. Please properly attribute and source all uploads when possible!
27 files, last one added on Aug 30, 2020 Album viewed 122 times
(18+) As Rikdo has been known to draw hentai "on occasion," this is where you should put anything with explicit nudity or sexual content, official or otherwise. Please properly attribute and source all uploads when possible! Do note that, despite the name, straight up pornography with extreme content like scat or inflation will be deleted. The password is "hotkabapu" without quotation marks, and by entering it you agree that you are of legal age to be viewing such material in your country.
10 files, last one added on Aug 30, 2020 Album viewed 7 times
4 albums on 1 page(s)
Random files - Artwork
Excel outside31 viewsTaken from Rikdo's website back when it still existed (source: http://www5c.biglobe.ne.jp/~rikudou/staff/rikudou/cgroom)
Calender 2001 - Norikuni Iwata & Misaki Matsuya24 viewsTaken from Rikdo's website back when it still existed (source: http://www.rikudoukan.com/img/c2000_04.jpg)
Elgala's Downfall59 viewsTaken from Rikdo's Twitter. Source: https://twitter.com/rikudou_koushi/status/1757834326946033998Feb 14, 2024
Elgala Reincarnated36 viewsGoogle Translate: "Elgala gets excited after being reincarnated as something aristocratic." Taken from Rikdo's Twitter. Source: https://twitter.com/rikudou_koushi/status/1757207113087291585Feb 13, 2024