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Let's talk about our avatars and signatures.

Started by E^D Crow, January 02, 2008, 12:47:52 PM

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E^D Crow

I thought we should have a place just for discussing our avatars and signatures  This may keep those types of questions from popping up all over the place (but it's doubtful).


Right now, my avatar is a picture of me, from the 2008 New York City Halloween parade.  I was a ghost, fitting the theme of the parade.

My signature is an original design.  I wanted the ACROSS girls on a postcard for Fukuoka, which is in the background.  The large green structure in the center is the actual ACROS building.



I would also like to say that Foggle's avatar is one of my favorites; don't change it-ever!



Mine is the puppet from the movie "Saw" (plus the sequels, as well as the movie Dead Silence, for those who were paying attention).  I used to have at least 5 different avatars, different for each forum, but, once I put this one on, it stuck.  I have since changed ALL my avatars to this face.  So, if you see "UNOwen" or some variant with Jigsaw's puppet's face, there is a 95% chance you are looking at me!

As for my signature, it developed from the ancient art of purloining, of which my mastery grows slowly each day.  Chances are, one of YOUR signatures may end up under my control for a while!



My avatar is Suiseiseki from Rozen Maiden.....not much to say really.  As for the avatar i heard/read it somewhere and can't quite place my finger on it.
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't many people happy?


My avatar is from episode 26 of Excel Saga, while the quote under it is from Wages of SiN, the expansion pack to a video game from the late 90's.  My signature picture is from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni episode 21, and the quote is from Reservoir Dogs.

Quote from: E^D Crow on January 02, 2008, 12:47:52 PM
I would also like to say that Foggle's avatar is one of my favorites; don't change it-ever!
Haha, I wouldn't unless the website banned it or disallowed animated gifs.  HYATT IS SAFE. :hdead:


My current avatar (pasted above since I change it every so often) is Il Palazzo with Hypnotoad eyes. ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD.

My sig is just a colorbar I made that links back to my website.



my avatar is from Melty blood, aka Shingetsutan tsukihime (anime) aka tsukihime (manga) aka some sort of doujin game or something that i never picked up.
i've read the manga and anime and played the games, thats it though :/



My avatar I asked Micki to draw for me. it's Excel hugging a shyguy (on anime league my screen name is juggerguy so I combined the 2 in the avatar XD) the sig is a collection of images I threw together


My avatar and sig are both representations of Haruhi-ism.

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

Mine are pink bunnies because I don't know what to change it to.
But I feel content with my pink bunny theme.


My avatar is a cute Nabeshin's head with my "official" nickname glued on his afro (yay, Engrish). Under it, my catchphrase.  :e_angry:

And my signature is... well, a complaining Elgala XD.


I'm quit sure i submitted an explanation and all about my signature and avatar in here, it'd... gone..?
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


^^ Yep, I remember that you did. There must have been some forum roll-back.
