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Miwa Rengaya - What do we know

Started by Mullon, September 15, 2008, 06:46:40 PM

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Onhe encouragement of Lod Il this thread is to gather everything that is known about Miwa Rengaya together. She seems to be at the near center of this whole mystery and at least knows something. But are the scant pieces of information we cange about her from her enigmatic appearances? I will then throw open the floor for wild speculation and boob jokes.

If thi goes well I might do a Excel Excel what do we know thread.
Why don't you just eat peanuts with your eyes and spaghetti through your nose you offense to God!

Lord Il

Yes, let's dissect Miwa.... peel away those enigmatic layers (that sounds somewhat gross!!) and have a collaborative effort on what makes her tick....


Well...we know she can eat the friendship special all by herself. That might be something.
Why don't you just eat peanuts with your eyes and spaghetti through your nose you offense to God!

E^D Crow


...has a history with Kabapu. overly affectionate with her son, and just about everyone she meets, come to think of it. a genius bio-engineer, daughter of same.
...she's older then she looks.

That's all I got, right now.



If I remember correctly she also knows something about who Excel really is even though there hasn't been shown any prior interaction between them.
Why don't you just eat peanuts with your eyes and spaghetti through your nose you offense to God!

Lord Il

Good stuff so far.

Quote from: E^D Crow on September 17, 2008, 08:42:03 PM
Miwa... overly affectionate with her son
Indeed. To the point where it could be considered disturbing. Purposely shoving her breasts into his face.. I attribute this to making him extra compliant to her wishes.

But another disturbingly odd thing comes to mind - What could've been going on in her head when she said, "Hello, my hubby Gojyou!" in vol.17? Hubby! I mean, she's saying this to her son. WTFH??! :e_confused:

It's no wonder he's messed up with pedophilic tendancies when his mother acts like she does towards him.


Well that last volume didn't clarify anything.
Why don't you just eat peanuts with your eyes and spaghetti through your nose you offense to God!


For a moment, i actually thought there was something to expect from Shiouji's private room, since Miwa pretty much wanted them to look in there...
Guess not though, but it still made an appealing impression on me, i certainly laughed even if i expected something difernt haha :D
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Despite the fact that her specialty is supposed to be bioengineering, we never see her doing anything like it, not even once; instead, she makes Shiouji do her work and spends her spare time casually breaking into his and Kabapu's computer systems.


I still think there is something to her being able to eat the Friendship Special all by herself, but I may just be reading to much into it.
Why don't you just eat peanuts with your eyes and spaghetti through your nose you offense to God!

E^D Crow

She was working on the computers, in the... sky?

There were clouds in the background where there should have been a floor.  It's got to be related to Il Palazzo's hologram technology, maybe?



according to both Shiouji and Kabapu she has had a change of personality


The crux of Excel Saga has to be the ability to have 2 personalities sharing 1 body. How exactly, we dont know, yet.


Quote from: E^D Crow on December 10, 2008, 08:50:58 PM
She was working on the computers, in the... sky?

There were clouds in the background where there should have been a floor.  It's got to be related to Il Palazzo's hologram technology, maybe?


Kabapu's, technically, since she did it from his base... at least, that particular time, she did.


First time poster, long time reader of Excel Saga. Man, the things you miss until you read the things the umpteenth time.

I have't read the latest one yet, but I'm awaiting it's arrival with anticipation.

Now, as to my thoughts on Miwa:

1:maybe she's an android to replace the real Miwa, killed, sacrficed, or otherwise gone. Other than the friendship special incident, the seemingly unpredictable nature of the android personalities (Shioji mentioned that Ishiki's suffered due to the sensor load), and the thought that it'd be a great twist, I have no info to support this.
2:Maybe she actually IS Tenmangu. (sick but not entirely out of the realm of possibility.)

Things I DO know:
1:She and Tenmangu are convinced of Kabapu's story about the "Gate" etc... Meaning they have reason to believe it's true.
2:She has access to the same place that Excel and Hyatt stumbled into while wandering around the sewers looking for the entrance to the base.

Looking forward to continuing this.