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Borderlands! Borderlands! Borderlands! (This Thread Is About Borderlands!)

Started by Foggle, August 13, 2009, 08:50:40 AM

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Lord Il

Saw this game for both the PS3 and 360 at HMV yesterday. I guess a title's expected popularity can reflect the price you pay for it.

At $64.99 CDN, it's currently one of the most expensive games to buy there right now. O_O


PC... my name is Poeyseidon. I just started and I'm still learning how it works.


The game has been very fun so far, I really enjoy it. :im_nabeshin: A lot of other PC gamers seem to think that it's a "terrible port," but I can't really see that at all, and there are only a few issues, anyway. It certainly would have benefited from more development time and a bigger budget, but I'm very happy with my purchase. :lordilsmile:



Quote from: Poey on November 08, 2009, 06:06:16 PM
You play on pc? Wanna play together?
Sure! Do you have Steam? We need to get a game going with Micki! sometime.

Steam ID is Foggle.



A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'



Alright, friends, I think it's time we arrange a co-op game of Borderlands. Micki!, Poey, Soske, and I all have copies of the game (though I don't know if Soske has it on PC... he should post here and tell us). If not, we can bring in someone else (perhaps my RL friend, John, he's a really cool guy). We need to go through the whole game together. Mic is optional, but preferred.

Everyone post your GameSpy IDs here and which character you want to play as. I'll choose last, but I'd rather not be Brick if possible (and there should be one of each character ;) ). I'll try to get something working using Vent because the in-game voice chat sucks.

Forum Name      GameSpy ID      Character
     Foggle              FoggleCopter           Roland            
     Micki!                MickiMatsu                Brick  
     Poey                 Poeyseidon            Mordecai
     My bro John     Corbellations            Lilith


A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Quote from: Micki! on November 22, 2009, 11:14:04 AM
I'm fine with Berserker, i rather like being that class...
I like him, but only in single-player. I'm not much fer tankin'.


I rather like it...Feels cool when friends are shooting and all, and you're the only having the balls walking in there and beating the crap out of them in person, because you CAN :D
And i always share med kits with friends, i'm fine with the berserk mode healing anyways, it's cheap and fast...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


I'm a sniper-class Hunter. I have Vent, but not steam.


Alright, cool.

I'll ask my friend who he wants to play as, I guess.
