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Manga Drought

Started by Pamplemousse, August 27, 2009, 02:21:52 PM

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So, lately it seems like there haven't been many new manga series worthy of attention. I'm not sure if it's just my own high standards / lack of time to peruse online, but it seems that even as manga sections bloat in chain bookstores, the quality of the titles suffers. Maybe Excel Saga has just ruined me though...

So have you read/watched any truly sensational new manga or anime lately?

I need my faith to be restored: I can rarely even find a summary that piques my interest. Plus, I have seen entirely too many lame vampire comics sprout up since Twilight became popular.
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


Has there ever been that many good manga titles? ;)

You should try some Western comics. Scud the Disposable Assassin and any Deadpool series are my jams.

Mad Hatteress

If you're really interested in getting into new series I'd recommend 98% of the titles I listed from my collection on another thread. I could better help you out if you listed series and genres that you like.

As for animes, the only ones I've ever really enjoyed have been out for awhile so I doubt I can be of any help there. Have you ever watched Hare+Guu? If you don't mind random silliness I think it's quite good and the English dub is extremely impressive.

EDIT: Oh, as for non-Japanese comics try Sandman or Fables. The Tintin series, which has been around since the 1930s, is awesome as well. Just stay away from Tintin in Congo. My goodness is that book offensive...


Haha, we're on the same wavelength, guys! Earlier, I was going to add a line to my original post saying that Western comics were becoming my favorites.
I do heart me some GNs, though I don't follow many series consistently. I love the Runaways series by Marvel, but it has flaws like anything else. Sure, it may seem like purely teen fodder, but it is pretty frickin' hilarious. Plus Brian K. Vaughan started it...

Funny, I've been meaning to get into both Sandman and Fables, Hat!  ...But the series are both so loooong and expensive! Meh, from what I hear they're quality at least! (I also heart me some Gaiman).
...I've been eyeing Hare+Guu for a while, so perhaps I'll check that out!

Quote from: Foggle on August 27, 2009, 03:09:48 PM
Has there ever been that many good manga titles? ;)
You should try some Western comics. Scud the Disposable Assassin and any Deadpool series are my jams.
The name "Scud the Dispoable Assassin" sounds amazing; why have I not heard of this before? And by all accounts, Deadpool is an amazing character, but it's so hard to jump into an American series, especially one as expansive as X-men/Deadpool. I want to though!

:il_hahaha: You're right, good manga is rare.

...But I feel like when I first started getting into manga, there were a lot of quality ones and a lot with potential. I mean, though it's embarrassing to admit now, the first few chapters of Bleach and the like are all solid. Maybe my point of view has changed, maybe the audience being written to has changed.
Maybe I'm being unfair, but is there anything the fan community has really latched onto that has only recently been published? I mean, most things that end up on otaku classic-manga lists tend to be from at least five years ago. What's behind this? An industry that promotes infinitely extending bloated cash-cow series (-cough- Shonen Jump)? Lag between the US and Japan? Just plain sucky quality?
Or is it just me?  :sumydrop:
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


Quote from: Pamplemousse on August 27, 2009, 10:23:12 PMAnd by all accounts, Deadpool is an amazing character, but it's so hard to jump into an American series, especially one as expansive as X-men/Deadpool. I want to though!
Well, he's appeared in a lot of stuff, but the actual comic series aren't too bad to follow. Just pick up the Classic Deadpool TPBs, the Cable and Deadpool books, and maybe the new issues as they come out, and you're good to go. :)

And Scud is amazing. You can get the entire thing as a book for like $15. :D

Quote from: Pamplemousse on August 27, 2009, 10:23:12 PM
Maybe I'm being unfair, but is there anything the fan community has really latched onto that has only recently been published? I mean, most things that end up on otaku classic-manga lists tend to be from at least five years ago.
Well, there's Lucky Star (which really blows everyone loves) and Haruhi (which is mediocre at best a fan-favorite), but that's all I can really think of right now. D:


Haha, Lucky Star. Everyone says it's like Excel saga.  :il_hahaha: Funny people. I've tried to watch the first episode like three times and I never made it past like 7 minutes.
The first episodes of Haruhi are hit or miss for me. It used to have at least a 50% chance of being good, but that changed in the 2nd.
...But I suppose Haruhi does fit what I requested... Astute observation. But now it is sort of like a train wreck. XD
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


My collection is not great, but I recommend flowers and bees by moyoco anno. Or try Happy Mania(i've heard it's good). It's a smart series and pretty funny as it mocks (i thik it does) how men act today when it comes to relationships and appearances.
Its good, so check it out, yo.

Mad Hatteress

I haven't seen either Flowers and Bees or Happy Mania (I'm interested in getting both) in stores. I just checked and they have all of Happy Mania to order but I think Flowers and Bees will be tougher to find.


I have the same problem, especially when it comes to volume 18 of excel saga, and it really annoys me that where ever I look including forbidden planet they don't seem to have it,

Lord Il

From what I've observed, what can be said with manga being caught in a drought can certainly also apply to anime these days. IMO, there are simply wayyy too many harem stories being produced. >_<


^ but they are supposed to be more popular


Agreed. While that sort of thing can be fun in small doses, the market is saturated with the same archetypes story-wise. There's nothing really new or innovative, just minor tweaks to old, overdone tropes. The same can be said for any kind of literature, I suppose, but I think what is really needed are a few GOOD satires to put the shonen fighting-tournament and shojo soap opera harems in their place. What we have is STAGNAAAATION. Now, don't get me wrong, I do like main-stream manga and anime sometimes, but most publishers seem to be catering to the lowest common denominator. I think that they don't realize that many old-school fans (many of whom are in a decent position to fuel the business financially) feel like they're out-growing the genre, due to this kind of "hey-let's-publish-this-series-that's-like-Love Hina/ Bleach/ Twilight" mismanagement. So many people I know don't buy manga anymore because the American market doesn't have much worth buying. It's all objective, of course, but it seems to me that webcomics are starting to overshadow published manga-- not just because they're free, but because many are a refreshing change of pace (others are crap, mais oui). Also, can they stop publishing manga based on any crappy young adult author? I keep noticing that and it makes me saaad. I'm pretty sure this is why we can't find the aforementioned decent mangas on the shelf anymore; too much room is taken up by new tripe.
I sound bitter/cynical, but I'm not. I just kinda pity certain publishers' foresightedness...
At least they let Excel Saga live!
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


For Shoujo parody, try Ouran. I wasn't a huge fan of it, but it IS funny.

Quote from: Pamplemousse on September 01, 2009, 12:46:47 PM
I sound bitter/cynical, but I'm not.
Oh, but I am. ;)


 :il_hahaha: Oh, Foggle, you so crazy! But inside the candy shell of bitter/cynical, you have a tiny little ... mini cynic. <3
Ok, i have one too, I'll fess up.

I think it's funny that Ouran Host Club is a parody, but lotsa people take it super seriously! O.o Never got into it, but it seems cute.
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


I agree ouran host club is better than the anime