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The "I've Got a Theory" Thread

Started by Pamplemousse, September 03, 2009, 10:15:37 AM

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I noticed that there wasn't an official thread about the mystery that is Excel Saga and our wild attempts to dissect it! I know lotsa theories have already been tossed around, but we need them all gathered in one neat pile of speculation!
What are your pet theories regarding pretty much anything in the series?
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


Without going in depth with stuff, my theory on various stuff are as follows:

1) I think Miwa is Tenmangu in disguise or even in the actual body, or at least controlling the body somehow...

2) I think there's a chance that Momochi is actually the first robot Tenmangu created, followed up by an incomplete Ropponmatsu 1 (which was later finished by Prof Shiouji)
Momochi's actual eyes are never revealed, maybe to not make the reader too suspicious about how "alive" she looks... There are times when she's not all business though, the birdman contest on the beach in Volume 7, she imagined Kabapu joining the contest (the imagery was indeed disturbing yet laughable), and this startling thing she imagined schocked her enough to drop a plate of drinks... Times like these she appeared very human...
But why doesn't she like Shioji then ..? Is it really his tendencies of looking at younger girls, or is it perhaps because (assuming she is a robot build by Tenmangu) to avoid family connections that Tenmangu tries to avoid..?! It's a bit icky to make theories like this without more knowledge of her, but she really started being suspicious in Volume 17's ending, there has GOT to be something with her, and i can't believe that it's simply her being VERY competent and loyal over Kabapu...

3) Excel must have had a past of some kind... She must have used to be someone very important to someone, but Kabapu has seen her before at least once or twice, yet didn't "recognize" her from his own past, so it's hard to say if she was someone well known in the Solarian civilization, maybe she was a key factor to Solarias destruction (unknown to Kabapu of course) Same basically goes for Elgala and Hyatt too...

4) I think the girls are brainwashed somehow, or clones even... But why'd Il Palazzo then "hire" Hyatt..?! Maybe it's something his other personality convinced him into believing without realizing it though... Still dazzles me that they never think about their past, so obviously there's something fishy with them all, and somehow it doesn't seem to bother them at all...

5) I think Tenmangu might be the evil mastermind behind alot, if not all of this whole plot... Maybe he's so obsessed in science and technology that he abused the chance with Kabapu's cooperation, to gain access to the Solarian Technology, which he might be extremely interesting in getting his hands on, if he hasn't already...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Quote from: Micki! on September 03, 2009, 10:43:11 AM
3) Excel must have had a past of some kind... She must have used to be someone very important to someone, but Kabapu has seen her before at least once or twice, yet didn't "recognize" her from his own past, so it's hard to say if she was someone well known in the Solarian civilization, maybe she was a key factor to Solarias destruction (unknown to Kabapu of course) Same basically goes for Elgala and Hyatt too...

On the contrary, Kabapu seems surprised when he sees Excel the first time, and talks about her bearing a resemblance to someone from his past. To me, it seems less like he doesn't recognize her, and more like he assumes there's no way she could be the person she "resembles"


Yes, you're probably right with that now that i think of it...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

E^D Crow

The ACROSS girls may be cyborgs (partly or at one time human), not androids or robots.

Excel gets very nervous around sharp, pointy objects (especially near her eyes), and she does remember something "sharp and scary" that "hurt, and was scary".  She also mentions, during a hallucination, an "Excel reactor" that she would tear out of her own chest, if need be. 

Perhaps 'hiring' Hyatt was a some kind of implanted memory.  I also think that Hyatt's blood-spewing is something like a design flaw, that gets activated in times of stress or physical exertion.  That's why it never happened when she was "Chihaya"; because she was content and at ease.  The same goes for when ILL was created, and they were able to live comfortably.  Until Hyatt got suspicious of "Excel", she was doing OK.  Also (but unrelated) Hyatt's poor vision looks pixelated.

I'm not sure that this "Solaria" place ever existed, although I really can't come up with any other explanation for the existance of the "overtechnology".  I also think that Menchi could be a Solarian survivor.



Your cyborg theory is interesting, i wouldn't count that out from being a posibility...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Quote from: E^D Crow on September 12, 2009, 04:07:20 PM
I also think that Menchi could be a Solarian survivor.
You are amazing. I think I'll capture this one and make it my new pet theory (pun intended).  :menchi-1:

Huh, the cyborg theory is certainly plausible, given that Excel can go toe-to-toe with Iwata and Ropponmatsu. Of course, if they are cyborgs in the usual Excel Saga sense, I think Elgala probably wouldn't have noticed any difference in "President" Excel's weight after the switch. Perhaps they are more refined than Shioji's robots though...

I'm inclined to think (with little to no proof) that Elgala, Hyatt, and Excel (and perhaps even the Ropponmatsus) are all facets of the Solarian Princess's personality/spirit/whathaveyou imprinted upon regular citizens Il Pala has "recruited". It's been hinted lately (volume 19, I think?) that Il Palazzo possesses some sort of over-technology that brain-washes and/or inspires loyalty, though whether that was Kabapu being flippant or not is debatable... I suspect Il Palazzo subjected himself to this over-tech as well so that he could inhabit a corporeal body after whatever destroyed Solaria presumably killed him and the princess (though how did Kabapu survive then?).

The holograph tech could be him asserting himself incorporeally, and the "donor" body could be why he has his split personality issues.  This could also be why Excel has her uncanny biological expertise, why she's afraid of needles (painful experimentation and the trauma of being reborn) and why the ACROSS girls cannot remember their pasts. Hyatt's condition, in this case, could also be explained by both "inferior genetic substrate" and problems with the "brainwashing" overtech.
I suspect the core is what these facets were extracted from (probably by Tenmangu), and it is the key to the reincarnations of both Il Pala(?) and certainly the princess.

This could also account for Tenmangu's disappearance-I think Miwa was either his first experiment with imprinting, or that something happened to her and he was forced to resort to the overtech (or both). With Kabapu knowing he abused the overtech, Tenmangu became android!Miwa, hiding himself in plain sight, where he was then free (in the guise of caring mother) to toy with Lord Il in addition to Kabapu.
Though not quite logical continuation, I suspect the real Miwa is Momochi (who fits Miwa's pre-crazy personality type), probably in android form, who both spies on and assists Kabapu as neccessary for Tenmangu.
So basically, a lot of my theories are Micki!'s modified.
Great minds think alike, no?
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


Thus i must proceed to eat thy brain... :eevil:

Interesting though, i think you might have got something with the whole personality-imprinting thing...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

Okay, bear with me for a sec. This is gonna be odd. :il_hahaha:

Well... You'd need to be blind as a bat, or living under a HUGE rock (or both??) to not notice the fact that Dr. Miwa Rengaya is very well-endowed. I have to wonder if there is some underlying reasoning behind it with respect to her character.

I became especially curious to this a few days ago after stumbling upon an article of a study that suggests women with decidedly larger breasts score an IQ averaging ten points more than those with smaller.

Soooo... Considering the interesting theories which shroud her over who and what she may or may not be (ie: a genius bioengineer, robot, Solarian descent, Tenmangu in disguise), does Rikdo see a certain correlation between Miwa's breast size and her level of intelligence? My sudden theory says there could something to it.

But I want thoughts on this! What do you think?

Mad Hatteress

^ Umi's boobs are pretty darn large and she's dumb as a box of rocks.


Speaking as a well-endowed lady, I totally agree.  :il_hahaha:
Umi could be secretly smart.. she goes to college, at least!
She just trips a lot and makes bad relationship choices?
Misaki is also rather well-endowed and is also one of the smartest (or rather wisest, I suppose) women in the series.
Hmmmm... I wonder...
Sometimes I think they're actually secret airbags.
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.

Mad Hatteress


God, as if my self-perception/esteem weren't bad enough already, though. Since my boobs are basically non-existent does that mean I'm supposed to be retarded, then? *sulks in a corner*


Don't worry, Mad. I'm a reasonably intelligent fellow and my moobs barely count as Bs.


Quote from: Micki! on September 03, 2009, 10:43:11 AM
4) I think the girls are brainwashed somehow, or clones even... But why'd Il Palazzo then "hire" Hyatt..?! Maybe it's something his other personality convinced him into believing without realizing it though... Still dazzles me that they never think about their past, so obviously there's something fishy with them all, and somehow it doesn't seem to bother them at all...

I do have a slight theory about the girls all being connected to solaria in one form or another and that after Solaria dissappeared the 3 of them all had their memories erased. Ilpalazzo might know a word which can bring memories or alternate personalities back, a good example being Hyatt.

In volumes 14 and 15 as we know she is living with Watanabe until Ilpalazzo reappears and all of a sudden she loses her memories of staying with watanabe but remembers Across and their mission.

This could also explain the ad in the newspaper, she might have led a normal life then saw the ad and parts of her memory returned I mean for all we know ms ayasugi might actually be Ha-chan's own name and not a fake name that she thought up


Theories, eh? I didn't read all of the mango, so correct me if I'm DEFINITELY wrong on a fact there.

Okay, I got one.

Miwa is the true puppet master behind everything.
She not only knows where Tenmangu is, but she is also responsible for his disappearance.
She obtained the knowledhe of Solarian technology, and she has some secret purpose(I can't think of anything). What we know for now, it that she wants to recreate Ropponmatsu I. It's possible that she either wants to succeed where her husband has failed... OR, she just wants to gain access to The Core and Solarian tech that comes with it.

Another crazy theory is, that Miwa and Tenmangu merged together into one... or it's in fact Tenmangu who controls the body of Miwa. Tough I guess this one was already covered by someone.