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Toyota uses Hatsune Miku to sell cars in USA

Started by Lord Il, May 06, 2011, 07:55:47 PM

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Lord Il

I could barely believe it after hearing of this today.

In a bold (if not strangely unexpected) move to market their vehicles, Hatsune Miku has been adopted by Toyota to sell the Corolla line in the US of A. Don't believe it? Check this out..!

Just how effective a Japan virtual idol would be to sell cars in other parts of the world remains to be seen. But is this a sign of the times? Has Miku really gained enough international appeal in order to be used to help sell Japan products?


eh? I can see heaps of fans screaming when they see this add and getting all hyper, but I think most people will be like "what the heck?"


That americanized Miku on the website makes me want to go to the house of the guy who planned that and slap them. Why is it that companies feel the need to change something to appeal to Americans? If you kept true to the original anime CG in the commercial, why not keep the original drawing? Oh's a minor thing I guess. Don't think these adverts will do Toyota any good, though. Their names is still sullied by the recalls. Plus Hatsune Miku is still a bit of an obscure pick.


So how exactly by using Miku is it suppose to be effective for Toyota in selling cars here in the US?  Is Toyota targeting anime/manga fans? :icon_lol:  I agree with Randamo in thinking that most people will see Miku and think "what the heck?" 

Lord Il

Quote from: Ekuseru on May 08, 2011, 12:59:26 AM
So how exactly by using Miku is it suppose to be effective for Toyota in selling cars here in the US?  Is Toyota targeting anime/manga fans? :icon_lol:  I agree with Randamo in thinking that most people will see Miku and think "what the heck?" 
It does raise an interesting question, doesn't it? Just what exactly is Toyota's projected target with such an ad campaign as this? :e_confused:

@Taste: I very much agree with you on the westernized depiction of Miku. It makes little sense to me as well.