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What game did you buy most recently?

Started by BloodShed, August 04, 2007, 11:28:18 AM

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How is the feel of the game..? not so much the gameplay, but the atmosphere, and such... I loved the dark feeling the old games had :o
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


I have purchased many since last I was here for the PC, Max payne 3, gta 4 plus content, game of thrones, lego batman 2, both batman arkham asylum and city and street fighter x tekken plus a few others.


Thanks to the Steam sale, I recent bought:
Ys Origin
The Bard's Tale
Saints Row: The Third Franchise Pack
Divine Divinity
Deus Ex Collection
Metro 2033
A Valley Without Wind
Runespell: Overture

And the sale is only half over.


I am bit annoyed I didn't save up more cash or avoid buying certain titles too early for example both force unleashes I could have saved a tenner on number 2 and £20 on the first, and £13 on sonic generations.  I bought myself duke nukem forever since it was at £3.74 and a price I would only pay for it, not bad for whart I have played of it.  Just annoyed I can not get lost planet or soldier of fortune payback to work (a cursed windows 7 64bit).


I haven't been able to take much advantage of the Steam sales  this summer... So far, mostly it was games I already own (sadly, some I didn't even play yet -.-) And only very few others, I considered, but left alone, since i have too much on my plate as it is..!

I did get myself Skyrim though, figuring it wouldn't be on a sale like this again for a while, and I wanted a new big open game to roam around in anyway..!

So I've been playing Skyrim for the last 2 days, it sure is addictive, but GEEZ are there many bugs in this game, glitches galore, and according to a friend, broken quests, and just generally oddities pretty much around every corner...

Still, addictive, haha, I play as a female Orc, figuring they're melee combat based, and I'd like something you probably don't see every day :D
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


There are some very annoying bugs in skyrim, one of them I found occured as soon as I got arrested, escaped and then got caught by the gaurds again very time i pick pay the fine or go to prison the game froze, all happened on a quest I am sure ^ you will discover which is the love quest you are given in riften.


I imported Max Anarchy (AKA Anarchy Reigns) from Japan. It's already in English, so I figured it was worth paying extra to get it >7 months early. Best multiplayer game ever IMO. Tons of fun online (or even with bots) and the soundtrack is simply fantastic.


I made few miscalculations back in april when I bought myself starwars the old republic, what a waste of £40.00 and further waste of £19.00 for added time, I thought I would enjoy it but alas it was not ment to be I prefer the other mmo I bought which was APB.