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What game did you buy most recently?

Started by BloodShed, August 04, 2007, 11:28:18 AM

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Great game! :elhail:

For anyone who doesn't know, TF 2 is now free to play on both PC and Mac.

Lord Il

TF 2 looks like a riot to play. I have it on The Orange Box and never bothered to play for fear of becoming too addicted. :il_hahaha:

In other news, level 50 has been achieved in HyperDimension Neptunia. ^^ And my copy of the new Duke Nukem game continues to be shelved. O_o


I've been playing TF2 a lot recently!

If anyone wants to play, my Steam is "Poey" (... I think?)


Just bought Recettear for 5 bucks on Steam today! :elhail: I've heard a lot of good things about it, so I'll probably get around to playing it as soon as I get some of my anime watch list done and get some of my Team Fortress addiction out of my system. (unless Steam puts up L4D2 for under 10 bucks... :il_hahaha:) Oh, and I added you, Poey ;-)


On steam I bought sega dreamcast collection, assasins creed and pre purchased super street fighter 4 arcade edition (now looking forward to friday when it should be unlocked)


Whelp, I spoke too soon....Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 are on sale today for 7 bucks. Downloading at this moment. :elpleased:

E^D Crow

To expand on Soske's and Foggle's thoughts on Alice: Madness Returns:  I totally agree.

While the game may not be very advanced, on a technical and gameplay level, I think this is the perfect example of video games as a storytelling medium.

I just paused the game, to tell you all that it's really great fun, totally engaging, and just gorgeous (if not overall very difficult, while, at othertimes, intentionally difficult).  I'm also fighting with the camera, all the time!


Perspective Shift:






I'm also a sucker for truly awesome DLC, and got a bunch of freaking sweet costumes and weapons, and, so... I'm already overpowered, due to effects.  X^D  ...or I can rock a horrible, freaky, living-flesh dress! ....or have a clock-work arm!?  The Caterpillar and White Rabbit suits are also cute has hell on Alice, while completely in keeping with its own morbid charm.

American McGee's Alice...  Started it, but felt it was a little too touchy for my tastes.  I said "screw it", and just went into the sequel.



I quite enjoyed the game not completed it yet though, bought too many damn games on steam becuase of the tempting game sales they have had in the past week


Finished Ghost Trick in two days.
I see that Phoenix Wright writers are as good as ever !
The story really moved me, so funny and dramatic at the same time ; the characters are so great and the gameplay is very good.

Now to wait for AA Investigations 2... Wait, they won't release it outside Japan ?
"The problem with asshole paraplegics is that you have to get on your knees to punch them in the goddamn face, so it's not worth it most of the time."


Bought myself a great classic today on steam Jedi knights dark forces 2, the only issue I have with it is it runs a little too fast.



Quote from: Taste on June 30, 2011, 04:34:26 PM
Oh, and I added you, Poey ;-)

Hmm? I didn't get an invite... my username is actually "Poeyseidon", abbreviated to Poey, if that helps/does anything.


I do like playing peggle nights and peggle extreme at the moment



I bought myself wheelman for pc, seems to work better on this integrated card than it did on my laptops which was a slighty better integral graphics card to what I am using now.  Just annoying I can not get gta 4 to play properly pain in the arse and yet I can run bionic commando at minamal settings.