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What's the last anime you've seen?

Started by NWalterstorf, January 29, 2007, 10:49:33 AM

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Been watching Kiddy Grade since stumbling across a full-length version of the OP song which I really like.  So far it's kind of "eh" but I know it gets more serious by around ep. 9, so I'll stick it out.  It's Gonzo, so I at least have to try.

The full OP if anyone wants to know is here:

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move


Awaiting the arrival of "Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan" will watch "Di Gi Charat Nyo" to build up a zen state before.


maison ikkuko!
I la-la-la-la- love it! but it's taking me so long to get anywhere, 97 episodes can tire someone out. especially when they don't have time for a proper marathon.


Right now I'm watching the remastered Dragon Ball Z episodes. Before that I rewatched Dragon Ball, and before that I rewatched all episodes of Yu Yu Hakusho. I love Funimation dubs.


toradora came out recently. has anyone watched that?


I haven't.

I'm in love with Soul Eater, currently. I'm only on episode... 14? 15?


hmmmmm, watching new dominion tank police at the moment


im toying with the idea of watching higurashi no naka koe, but i'm a bit worried about the violence.


Quote from: randamonian on November 25, 2008, 12:43:54 AM
im toying with the idea of watching higurashi no naka koe, but i'm a bit worried about the violence.
It has hardly any violence at all, honestly.  There are about five violent scenes in the entire series, all of which are in the first season.


How can one be worried about violence?  I'm usually more worried about the 'lack of', to be honest.

Anyway, I've been going over Gunslinger Girl: Il Theatro.  First season was awesome.  This season, so far, leaves a bit to be desired, though.


^^ Yeah that's what I heard. I liked the first one.


 Like violence? Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan, Elfin Lied
Like Humor? Excel Saga...
Like Plot? Excel Saga...
Gads, that "Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan" was a one shot wonder... :elangry:


Excel saga...plot? I don't think so.
i have been watching higurashi.


Watched Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan recently
I love this DVD \o/
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'