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What's the last anime you've seen?

Started by NWalterstorf, January 29, 2007, 10:49:33 AM

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Haha ... ok gotcha. I thought something was weird about that review.


foggle, you made me laugh. no anime has done that lately.
Yes, i have reached a dry spell. Stupid public holidays have left me with no anime deliveries. I ordered SKU because i just wanna know what the heck it's about and after a month or so i almost feel like saying [to no one in particular] "I don't think it's coming..." Then i ordered tenjho tenge because there are high school delinquents and martial arts. I'd be happier if they all had black hair and wore sailor suits, but i suppose we can't be picky. (I'm not a school blazer person) But DevotedDVD closed down for christmas and start up operations on the 5th. And on top of that, i've been wanting to watch Advent Children, but i want to finish FFVII first, but the copy i bought from someone doesn't load at a certain section, so i have to get a refund or something (Damn you ebay) and i'll probably buy a new copy, i don't care if it's 200 dollars, i dont care for money anyway.
My anime interest is dying. But it's probably for the best.

Gecko Moria

One Piece, Excel Saga, Dragonball kai, FMA brotherhood and thats about the only anime I watch or ever watched tbh. Oh and digimon  :egood:


 :il_hahaha: I loved Digimon so much when it was on TV. Well, seasons one and two, anyways.
Been eyeing FMA:Brotherhood. Hmmm...
Foggle,  your sense of humor makes my heart happy. XD
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


I bought myself hellsing ultimate volume 3, hopefully I will get around and see it tonight


Ultimate hellsing 3 so far is the best in terms of being the funniest and bloodiest I have seen for a while in anime.


Quote from: exckilla on January 16, 2010, 04:07:29 PM
Ultimate hellsing 3 so far is the best in terms of being the funniest and bloodiest I have seen for a while in anime.
The first three are absolutely amazing, but 4 and 5 leave a lot to be desired, IMO.

Mad Hatteress

Just finished disc 1 of Excel Saga.

After the first episode I really liked it! Most of the voices aren't fantastic but they're not painful to listen to like some dubs. I do have a hard time understand what Excel is saying at times but I'll just put on the subtitles later.

I've also noticed, though, the the DVD cases smell like mustard and it's grossing me out.


>Excel Saga dub
>Not painful to listen to


Mad Hatteress

Hey, I lived through the English dub of Sailor Moon and 4Kids crap. This is nothing compared to that.


Oddly enough I watched that dubbed version of sailor moon when they put it on Uk equivilent foxkids, and I must say after reading new type I really wanted to get hold of the boxset, but to no avail. Some of the worst dubbs I have witness plus cuts, was the uk version of Nuku Nuku original OVA first 3 episodes (bloody awful) and warner brothers realease of the dbz movies in the UK (crap dubbing) not the english voices you here on the show

Mad Hatteress

Quote from: exckilla on January 18, 2010, 03:08:41 PM
Oddly enough I watched that dubbed version of sailor moon when they put it on Uk equivilent foxkids, and I must say after reading new type I really wanted to get hold of the boxset, but to no avail.

I wish you luck with that. I think it took me a total of two years on eBay and dishing out more money than I'll ever admit to obtain the whole series. Season 1 and 2 aren't too hard to fine but they'll cost you at least $100 each. Three is iffy and season 4 is damn near impossible. As for Stars you'll have to get that bootlegged since it was never released outside of Japan due to the fact that men transform into females.

The movies are iffy as well and you're better off trying to get them individually instead of all together in the Dreams collection. That's really pricey.

And if you're even thinking about the manga... Well, I'd forget about it, to be honest.

EDIT: I decided to double check to make sure I was being truthful. I am right for the most part but it seem time and lack of reprints have mad season 1 and 2 go from what I quote up to $150. The other seasons are insane and the movies are about $30 a piece! You also need to be careful of bootlegs. The SuperS bootleg cover looks exactly like the original. If the 7 DVDs aren't in individual cases they're fakes.


I watched Hellsing ultimate 4, not bad


Before selling it off, i watched some episodes of Galaxy Angel AA. The opening music is so wierd and 'kawaii' and some of the situations are so odd and funny. My favourite bits are when Mint turns into a tree (reminding me of some old anime), the volleyball match where all the members in the team die then come back to life by singing some ridiculous song, then the ep in which Ranpha becomes a love interest of all the boys in the village who got good looking as a survival trait.
Its a series that will throw ridiculous situations at you, but do so in a smart way - you know they're making a joke or poking fun.
BTW - i still haven't gotten Tenjho tenge.


It would be nice to know if the uk is getting at least hellsing ultimate volumes 5 and 6,