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Hello Kitty

Started by Her Excellency The Pink Bunny, August 14, 2007, 09:22:52 PM

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Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

I have an obsession.
It's calle Hello Kitty.
I have been addicted to her for 5 years.
Recently I bought a Super Cute HK blanket and matching pillowcase.  They now match my Super Cute HK tote bag.
My mother watched me purchase said items and gave me the look like I need an intervention.
I told her this was the last time I buy HK!
That is until something cuter or a must have is found.
I own alot of HK keychains, most of them plush.
I have a giant plush of her in her pink nightie.
Every time I see something HK I have to redo my budget to see what I can afford.
But being a 20 year old lots of people think I'm crazy.
And I prolly am.

Lord Il

A few years ago at another forum, someone posted something I almost couldn't believe to be possible.. The whole image of Hello Kitty became somewhat disturbing to me after first seeing a HK vibrator. :e_shocked: As funny as this may sound, no, I'm not kidding.



Quote from: Lord Il on August 15, 2007, 03:12:40 PM
A few years ago at another forum, someone posted something I almost couldn't believe to be possible.. The whole image of Hello Kitty became somewhat disturbing to me after first seeing a HK vibrator. :e_shocked: As funny as this may sound, no, I'm not kidding.


Lmao, they used one of those as a weapon in one of the Arfenhouse flashes.

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

I'm pretty sure if I keep spending my hard earned cash on HK stuff my dad'll kill me.


Quote from: HerExcellencyThePinkBunny on August 15, 2007, 09:09:34 PM
I'm pretty sure if I keep spending my hard earned cash on HK stuff my dad'll kill me.

Especially when part of it is HK vibrators, haha
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

Out of curiosity, has there ever been a list compiled of every HK product ever produced?
There certainly has been a lot made throughout the years. I would imagine such a list would seem endless. O.o


Quote from: Lord Il on August 16, 2007, 06:55:53 PM
Out of curiosity, has there ever been a list compiled of every HK product ever produced?
There certainly has been a lot made throughout the years. I would imagine such a list would seem endless. O.o

The internet is not nearly big enough to hold such a list.


Quote from: starcat on August 16, 2007, 04:13:01 PM
...yeah, not funny, Micki. :/

You guys started to reply to it, if it was inappropriate, it should be posted here in the first place...
I shouldn't be blameed for jumping on the same train...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Quote from: Micki! on August 17, 2007, 02:09:37 AM
Quote from: starcat on August 16, 2007, 04:13:01 PM
...yeah, not funny, Micki. :/

You guys started to reply to it, if it was inappropriate, it should be posted here in the first place...
I shouldn't be blameed for jumping on the same train...

But the train was already moving, and we all know that jumping onto or off of moving trains is slightly dangerous.


My aunt just had her second baby this year and she decorated the babys room in hello kitty.. i kinda always thought that hello kitty was kinda childish. hello kitty is nice for babies maybe but as for adults....come on. hello kitty would be cooler with a machine gun. (even excel doesent give a crap about cute and fuzzy littel critters.
ay im a otuku and a metalhead. put them togeather and i become god. check me out on myspace ..marry me excel!!!


It's a matter of Taste, really...

Some people might walk into a room with figurines of Manga figures... and though, said person might like manga alot, they might find it strange, and even dumb for people to collect such stuff...

But such people just can't seem to respect what others have as hobbies and interests... Which is too bad...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


i guess i sounded a littel harsh on the japanese icon. i was just rather suprised at the picture of..walking into a adults house and seeing it decorated like a littel girls bedroom. BUt again this is just my opinion and how i see things. i do need to work on seeing things from other peoples viewpoint. i have alot of very strong opinions about goverment, relighion, socity, and of course anime lol. i have sat and heard other people talk about these subjects far to many times, they push their beliefs on others. and i have invesigated many ways of living and i have just found my own. so its hard for me to see thing any other way then my own. Im just tired of everyones bull shit ideals and i tend to have a ego about me. (thats why i LOVE excel saga becouse it teaches you that everyone elses opinion doesnt matter beside your own. and that people should forget the norm and chase their dreams. also :ehail: :g_hail: :elhail: that some people are just better then others lol
ay im a otuku and a metalhead. put them togeather and i become god. check me out on myspace ..marry me excel!!!


well, to add more HK content... i actually drawed Hello Kitty in one of my Duke Nukem Fanart drawings...

Look at the billboard, upper right coner of the drawing
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


WOW Micki thats nice artwork. do you draw manga? i need an artist to draw a comic based on seriel killers and axe murderers.
ay im a otuku and a metalhead. put them togeather and i become god. check me out on myspace ..marry me excel!!!


I have made a whole thread dedicated to my artwork that i want to share here, in the creativity thread... it's strange you missed that...

I'm not available just for any project though...
Hell, besides my own stuff, i have other prjects going on here as well...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'