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A Day With Christ Comic and other works

Started by skycloud, September 20, 2007, 10:24:47 PM

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Hey! Due to some interest I saw I decided to post my weekly comic strip that I make for my local papers here in the creativity section! The comic is a Parody of my life (Hence the title "A Day with Christ" because my last name is indeed Christ)

Hope you all enjoy!

Also I will be posting other things that I make since Foggle-Senbai introduced me to paint!

Edit: These were the first few weeks comics that I had already made, thats why theres more then just one but now there will be 1 every week!

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.


Made this in honor of Pirates day using paint

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.


First fanart ever! I really need to learn how to scale these things down.

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.


This Fridays Comic!

This is refering to a comic strip that is next to mine, a very creepy one about this crazy gunslinger/demented/anti-hero, no one really likes his comics because there very creepy, but they wont take him off because they need material. But his comics take up half the page! :sniff:

Also due to my editor saying my comics were too small and they edited them blown up and they started turning pixalated I had to make the strips larger. But as a extra treat for you all I am now going to put them through paint to make the text look better. Hope you all are liking it. ^^

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.


A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Thanks, What do you think of my art style that I use for my characters? I use mainly the eyes to show there expressions but the eyes themselves are just circles with no pupils.

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.


A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Yeah that was my main focus because im in college I dont have time to came real complex comics so I made it into a easy drawing comic

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.


I only really try complex art when im inspired or really bored lol

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.


That was Good!

Here is a cookie! :lordilsmile:
ay im a otuku and a metalhead. put them togeather and i become god. check me out on myspace ..marry me excel!!!


A Il Palazzo shaped cookie? What flavor is it? >.>

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.


ay im a otuku and a metalhead. put them togeather and i become god. check me out on myspace ..marry me excel!!!


I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.


Many threads have gone pretty off topic with all this wierd talk  :icon_neutral:
Why not keep them alive with more appropriate stuff..? like more comics in this case...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


I plan to, but I only publish 1-2 a week. I plan to post the new one soon

Also another work im working on =D

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.