i was thinking, what is THE worst anime they made, why and also cringeworthy things they do in anime that you just go, oh man, don't even go there.
i have a list, do add if you can:
1. really cheap animation
2. really, really lame music
3. guady and obviously revealing outfits
4. having things that make their clothes rip at the worst places
5. really unrealistic body proportions(im talking about the girls here)
6. stare at each other for really long periods of time(its awkard)
7. obsessive flashbacks
8. girls checking out each other
say you agree?
worst anime i can say is marmalade boy(regretably, i bought it) because it has features 1,2,3,5(for boys though), 6 and 7.
Ever heard of Boku No Sexual Harassment? That one's probably my least favorite, though it did have corn.
Quote from: randamonian on November 16, 2007, 01:10:44 AM
8. girls checking out each other
What's wrong with that? :<
I tend to steer away from crap, but simply the worst anime series I've watched was Dragonball Z, for reasons I'm sure everybody knows by now.
Quote from: super llama on November 16, 2007, 12:54:26 PM
Quote from: randamonian on November 16, 2007, 01:10:44 AM
8. girls checking out each other
What's wrong with that? :<
I tend to steer away from crap, but simply the worst anime series I've watched was Dragonball Z, for reasons I'm sure everybody knows by now.
I totally agree on this one. Too much staring and screaming, im sure the entire cast was constipated.
QuoteI totally agree on this one. Too much staring and screaming, im sure the entire cast was constipated.
Yeah, that sums up my sentiments pretty well.
Personally I don't care for highly dismorphic anime (later episodes of Excel Saga and some of FLCL, even though on the whole I like both series, it got annoying sometimes), but DBZ and the "stare-offs" were so bad, and the art was piss poor. I know few series with really bad animation since I don't watch anything that looks ugly from the cover art.
Quote from: Necrominion on November 16, 2007, 01:50:03 PM
Quote from: super llama on November 16, 2007, 12:54:26 PM
Quote from: randamonian on November 16, 2007, 01:10:44 AM
8. girls checking out each other
What's wrong with that? :<
I tend to steer away from crap, but simply the worst anime series I've watched was Dragonball Z, for reasons I'm sure everybody knows by now.
I totally agree on this one. Too much staring and screaming, im sure the entire cast was constipated.
I agree with this. DBZ was nothing but half hour of someone screaming then the next episode was Someone describing how much they'd screamed last time.
Quote from: super llama on November 16, 2007, 12:54:26 PM
Quote from: randamonian on November 16, 2007, 01:10:44 AM
8. girls checking out each other
What's wrong with that? :<
Nothing in principle, but shoujo ai can get pretty ridiculous in some series. I think the same thing about shounen ai, too. Some anime series seem like they have severe difficulty portraying gender and sexuality in an even vaguely realistic way. I guess it's a little forgivable in romance shows
because they're going to be awful no matter what, but things like Negima! (anything by Ken Akumtasu, though I guess I have a soft spot for Love Hina because it's one of the first animes I ever watched) or Day of Revolution make me want to punch somebody. :e_annoyed:
...anyway, that's my big pet peeve. What a thing to be annoyed about, huh? I think it's the majority of fandom's FAVORITE thing. :|
Also, perhaps hypocritically, I love Revolutionary Girl Utena like I'm blind.I also have another point to propose:
9. Pointless filler episodes
Quote from: Uncreativity on November 17, 2007, 10:18:52 AM
9. Pointless filler episodes
I was waiting for this. In some anime yes filler episodes are really pointless (Excel Saga is the main culprit here with 2 of them) but only if theres like 26 and less episodes. some anime where it seems to go on forever (one Piece, DBZ) it is useful if you come in half way through the series
Quote from: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on November 17, 2007, 11:08:57 AM
Quote from: Uncreativity on November 17, 2007, 10:18:52 AM
9. Pointless filler episodes
I was waiting for this. In some anime yes filler episodes are really pointless (Excel Saga is the main culprit here with 2 of them) but only if theres like 26 and less episodes. some anime where it seems to go on forever (one Piece, DBZ) it is useful if you come in half way through the series
But what about Bleach? Sure, it sucked to begin with, but 3 whole seasons of filler = epic failure.
oh, i got another one
10. bad endings
11. Stock "transformation" scenes. The kind that are always the same, no matter what is going on in the story. Sorcerer Hunters and GoDannar do that, a lot.
12. Cutsey characters that use some one-syllable phrase or sound after every sentence, nyo.
13. An action series that turns out to be a bunch of talking heads. I don't mind talking head shows, if that's what it is supposed to be.
In Tenjo Tenge I liked the action, and the unnecessarily gratuitous fan service, but the flashbacks annoyed the hell out of me. It was half the damn series! They should have just made two seperate series. Then they may have actually been able to put in a real ending. Y'know, one with a sense of closure. The OVA, where the story actually ends, still hasn't come to the US.
Also, I hated everything about DearS. I bought volume one, and stopped right there. I thought the idea of aliens-bred-to-be-slaves was really creepy, and the whole thing was just stupid. I don't think I could have dealt with the little cat-girl-alien-thing...the little bit I saw of that character grated on my nerves.
So many series are guilty of the "Dead Ending." And yar, super-cute chars with the one-syllable tack-on are annoying as hell, and there are so many examples.
And as for DearS, that was a truly deplorable series, true. The opening song was creepy, and annoying. the end song was freaky and annoying. The whole series was poorly animated and stupid (and I watched the whole thing just so I could appropriately compare it to Chobits). It was horrid - I found it oddly funny in parts, but it was the most shallow humor - in fact, everything about it was shallow.
And that would be 14 for me: Shallowness - so many series are guilty of this as well.
dearS was lame cause the story kinda stopped. nothing interesting happened after a while. i have two complaints from that.
15. Overly large chest(awkard to buy)
16. the main guy always ending up with the boring one - ren was an airhead, the only reason he really likes her is no 15. he shoulda ended up with neneko.
oh, i have another
17. the cool characters moving to other countries or other stuff - once they've been rejected(absolute boyfriend, in hot gimmick the guy actually became a monk. and he was the sweet one, the jerk she ended up with gave her an inferiority complex, he verbally abused her and stopped her from even talking to other guys, even her brother, tho he loved her[they weren't related])
Okay, maybe it's just me, but....
18. Speed lines
You know.. those lines that sorta run behind static characters to convey a sense of fast movement?
From what I understand, the speed line technique was something created years ago as a method to cut down costs of animation. However, it still tends to be used today because... well..... it's usage actually is effective in what it does - as cheap as it looks. It just bugs me when I see a lot of it.
Quote from: Lord Il on November 21, 2007, 04:18:00 PM
Okay, maybe it's just me, but....
18. Speed lines
You know.. those lines that sorta run behind static characters to convey a sense of fast movement?
From what I understand, the speed line technique was something created years ago as a method to cut down costs of animation. However, it still tends to be used today because... well..... it's usage actually is effective in what it does - as cheap as it looks. It just bugs me when I see a lot of it.
Which reminds me, I also dislike
19. Repeating backgrounds when people run, such as in old Scooby Doo cartoons.
20. Slow reactions. the background people watch something weird happen and then about a couple seconds later they turn and go 'whoaa'. and stand. a couple seconds later they then decide to have their instict kick in and run. real reactions are quicker.
Quote from: randamonian on November 16, 2007, 01:10:44 AM
i was thinking, what is THE worst anime they made, why and also cringeworthy things they do in anime that you just go, oh man, don't even go there.
i have a list, do add if you can:
1. really cheap animation
2. really, really lame music
3. guady and obviously revealing outfits
4. having things that make their clothes rip at the worst places
5. really unrealistic body proportions(im talking about the girls here)
6. stare at each other for really long periods of time(its awkard)
7. obsessive flashbacks
8. girls checking out each other
say you agree?
worst anime i can say is marmalade boy(regretably, i bought it) because it has features 1,2,3,5(for boys though), 6 and 7.
I cant agree with this much, because some of it is budget based. Unrealistic body proportions arent all that bad. I mean look at some of the classics, the Juggernaut body is way outta proportion but it still looks good (his head is fairly small in comparisson lol). Revealing outfits arent all that bad either, provided it doesnt go all the way. Its kinda a fun teaser that keeps ur attention. 6-7 I do agree with because it is a time eater but it is probly a budget issue when it comes to that kinda thing. Nothing is wrong with girls checking outa each other, its natural!
But there is one thing, one major thing about anime in all genre's that is at fault for this. (well not all, but most and im sure all have done it at one time or another in some part).
The ultimate truth.... The characters are (90%) WHITE, not asian! WHITE. Asians dont have blonde, brown, red, etc hair or very different eye colors. (I dont mean to be racists at all but come on its a fact...)
It just makes me feel that the characters are in the wrong setting in the world because of how un-japanese they look. This is really my only pev when it comes to anime.
to be honest, when i was talking about girls checking out each other i meant..uh, like what haruhi did to that other girl in the 2nd episode. you know what i mean.
i worded it incorrectly.
i do notice how much japanese emulate american, or white, culture. it seems natural for them to do that because they DO want to be like us a little. why do you think they speak english everyday, or get tans or dye their hair?
Uh cuz english classes are part of Japanese school coriculums?
Quote from: skycloud117 on November 25, 2007, 11:09:20 PM
Uh cuz english classes are part of Japanese school coriculums?
why is english taught? There are many theories...I think it all goes back to WWII and Godzilla.
no i meant that they have assimilated english into their everyday speech, educated or un-educated. such as the words: 'love', uh...'game over'.
just watch anime with japanese subs. they use english once in a while for a phrase. oh, and when they use superpowers like mikaru beam, they use english. yeah.
Quote from: randamonian on November 26, 2007, 08:29:58 PM
no i meant that they have assimilated english into their everyday speech, educated or un-educated. such as the words: 'love', uh...'game over'.
just watch anime with japanese subs. they use english once in a while for a phrase. oh, and when they use superpowers like mikaru beam, they use english. yeah.
I still blame it all on WWII and Gojira...Two gigantic turning points in Japanese history; the latter, a result of the former.
This may be getting a little heavy, but from this side of the Pacific, the big-bad-a-booms (Atomic Bombs) scared the ever living shit out of Japan, as a culture, and this has been skewed into a kind of admiration.
It is analogous to hara-kiri (as I am not following the way of bushido, I would not call it seppuku). Meaning that the US was willing to unleash such a horrible, deadly, and destructive force, capable of destroying
everything, as a means to end a battle.
Those are just
my thoughts on the matter, if it be the truth or not... make of it what you will.
you have a point. definanlty a consideration.
it came before that though. it possibly heightened it.
It could be possible that they had no other choice? There word structure might not have any correct way of saying a specific thing or could be like for "Mikuru Beam" is the name of the attack and you wouldnt convert it into Japanese. Or perhaps it just a habit? I many cross language barriers appear everyday. No one always uses the same language 100% of the time. Many phrases commonly used and names of items and stuff are from different languages and have dif meanings.
Skycloud has a very good point. English to put it simply is a bastard language, formed from both ancient greek and latin, it incorporates different words from other languages.
just to name a few:
putcsh- (German) Armed uprising
Lazes faire- (French) a governmental stance in which it leaves its own people to their own devices, very prominant in Victorian Britain.
vis-a-vis- (French) in itself has many meanings.
and so and so forth.......
deja vu
the thing about japanese and english is that the language has been influenced by other countries.
i did a report on japan for art and what they've done in history is be completely isolated for decades at a time, then be slightly obsessed with another culture and be influenced by it. like china, for instance. they copied the writing. when they made contact with western culture, they just got swept up with it.
i reckon it's pretty interesting stuff.