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Messages - Turbam!!!

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General / Re: Invader ZIM fans take note..
« on: March 29, 2011, 09:26:14 AM »
I didn't expect Nickelodeon to crack like this either; well hey thats good news.

Wonder how Jhonen Vasquez feels about it, last I heard he'd much rather not deal with Invader Zim

The Manga / Re: English Excel Saga Volume 22
« on: March 22, 2011, 10:03:08 AM »
I just read that review...

I should have just listened to everyone else and saved myself from spoilers


Sorry Foggle, I'll blame it on my excitedness at the time

Its done....

Oh yes...OH GOD YES!!!

Thank you Foogle and Micki! so much for doing this for everyone :ehail:

Anime / Re: Anime/Manga figures
« on: February 10, 2011, 10:45:42 PM »
Wonderfestival is on boys and girls. Are any of you interested in that? Despite my decision to STOP BUYING more of these, they come up with such cool ones......

Here's for the Panty and Stocking fans

I am ready to dump all my savings.

Rikdo's Other Works / Re: Rikudo Koshi to launch new manga
« on: February 02, 2011, 10:31:07 PM »
I've never read another of Rikudo's other works, hopefully this gets translated; even if its a fan translation that'll still be something.

Games / Re: Duke Nukem For Never ;_;
« on: January 31, 2011, 09:10:00 AM »
That trailer is powerful enough to make a grown man shed tears, here's a link for anyone who hasn't seen it.

Anime / Re: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
« on: January 31, 2011, 09:07:18 AM »
Hey, I fell down a trap of some sort, but I found my way back.

Anime / Re: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
« on: January 30, 2011, 11:04:13 PM »
Just saw the first episode, dear lord that was awesome.

I really loved the transition scene, reminded me of Silent Hill...kind of.  I'll definitely have to look into the rest of this.

Games / Re: What game did you buy most recently?
« on: November 16, 2009, 11:16:30 PM »
Since I've last posted I've bought

Mana Khemia 2
Altiler Iris 1-3
Assassin's Creed DS
A Witch's Tale
Kingom Hearts 356/2
Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story
Soul Calibur Broken Destiny
Rock Band 2
Left 4 Dead

And I think that's it...

Games / Re: Moments of "Lame"
« on: September 05, 2009, 06:36:14 PM »
Darn you beat me to Ouendan....

Punch-Out....every single level....minus Glass Joe of course

While it is very cliche, I did have problems with the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time as a kid.

Some of the bosses in Prinny: Can I really be the hero, are very brutal

Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja was the first Rouge-like game I it lauged at me while it kicked my ass.

Assassin's Creed was horrible at times.  You'd do missions and you'd get everything set up perfectly.  You'd surprise yourself with how clever you'd been, and know that no matter how hard you'd try you would never replicate it.  You only have one target left and you throw your knife at him.  He points up at you and triggers an alert, nulling the mission you are on, and then dies from the knife that hit him 3 seconds latter.

Sonic the Hedgehog for the 360 and PS3....oh dear god how glitchy that game was.  While it personally never happend to me, I've heard that someone died after jumping onto a Spring.  The camera was god awful, and I don't mind most terrible camera angles.  Some of the load times were ridiculous.  Lets say that you were on a sub mission, it would take a good 1 to 2 minutes of loading for the person who's sub mission you were doing to tell you what to do.  After they told you, you'd have yet another 1 to 2 mintues of loading to get into the actual mission.  And if you loose you have to do it all over again.

Ok so I may be exxagerating about the time, but it felt that long.  The worst part about the game is that the song playing during the final boss is so damn epic.  But you have to go through hell 3 times to get to it.

Games / Re: What game did you buy most recently?
« on: September 05, 2009, 06:22:44 PM »

I know someone who's actually so pissed over this he's going to buy a 360 this week-end as an anti-Nintendo protest move. He's very well aware it has a 54% hardware failure rate and, as such, is not a system he's ever supported.

But this news sent him over the edge. It was the last straw. Basically he's tired of being bombarded by uninteresting family friendly releases which outnumber others something like 4 to 1. I guess if Nintendo prefers to treat their gaming audience like children with restricting genres, this is how some people are going to roll.

Yup. 360s suck so bad I had to send mine in for repairs shortly after I bought mine. Sure, it was for free, but it's ridiculous that my N64 is still running strong but the 369 died in less than a year.

To be honest, until I heard that Fragile is going to be released in the US I totally regretted buying a Wii. The games are stupid and childish, like you stated, and I hate the controllers. It doesn't matter who it is; all players look like an ass while they're trying to play.

Since people are talking about the series has anyone played the Shin Megami Tensei for the DS?  I've been looking into the series and it seems like a pretty nice enough place to start.  I know I'm going to end up buying Nocturne for Dante...

I've been a long time fan and I HATE the SMT game for the DS. It's a completely different battle system that isn't fun at all. Nocturne is probably the hardest game you will ever play so I strongly suggest buying the Devil Summoner games to help get you familiar to the SMT series since the first is super easy but still very fun. Digital Devil Saga is also very good but you should check online when it comes to how to unlock and find the optional bosses since it's a pain to find them on your own.

Actually Fragile has been annoucned for a Statside release, I think that the release date is set Januray 20ish of 2010

The DS SMT is an SRPG right? Or did I hear wrong?  I do love I may find some enjoyment in it, I suppose in the mean time I'll look for a copy of Digital Devil Saga

Games / Re: What game did you buy most recently?
« on: September 04, 2009, 08:21:43 PM »
Since I've last posted I've bought

Ar tonellico
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Darkstalkers Chronicles
Dissidia Final Fantasy
Silent Hill Homecoming
Final Fantasy 4 the after years

And I've ordered
Wii Sports Resort

Since people are talking about the series has anyone played the Shin Megami Tensei for the DS?  I've been looking into the series and it seems like a pretty nice enough place to start.  I know I'm going to end up buying Nocturne for Dante...

It is a shame about Fatal Frame not making it to America, from what I've heard it's not getting a PAL release either.  Oh well at least Silent Hill looks good...


Good news, it looks like a couple of fans are translating Fatal Frame.  And from looking at they're FAQS it looks like you wont even have to mod your Wii, if the patch they are doing works, you just need to get a copy of Fatal Frame and an SD card.

Hopefully it ends up working.  If so looks like I'll need to dig for a good place to buy Fatal Frame :D

Games / Re: Your Top 5
« on: August 31, 2009, 10:29:04 PM »
1.Legend of Zelda
3.Super Mario Bros. 3
4.Super Mario Bros.
5.Blaster Master

1.LoZ: A Link to the Past
2.Donkey Kong Country 2
3.Super Mario World
4.Killer Instinct
5.Kirby's Avalance

GameBoy (Color):
1.LoZ: Oracle of Ages
2.LoZ: Link's Awaeking
3.Pokemon Gold
4.Pokemon Red
5.Loz: Oracle of Seasons

1.LoZ: Majora's Mask
2.Super Mario 64
3.Donkey Kong 64
4.LoZ: Ocarina of Time
5.Paper Mario

1.LoZ: Twilight Princess
2.LoZ: Wind Waker
3.Resident Evil 4
4.Baten Kaitos Origins
5.Paper Mario: The Thousand Year door

GameBoy Advance:
1.LoZ: Minish Cap
2.Fire Emblem
3.Mario & Luigi Superstar saga
4.Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones
5.Final Fantasy V

1.LoZ: Twilight Princess
2.Super Mario Galaxy
4.Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
5.Super Paper Mario

1.Lo.....oh sorry, Elite Beat Agents/Ouendan 2 (Don't make me choose...)
2.Ouendan 1
3.LoZ: Phantom Hourglass
4.Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations
5.Kirby Super Star Ultra

1.Metal Gear Solid
2.Legend of the Dragoon
3.Silent Hill
4.Final Fantasy VII
5.Final Fantasy VIII

1.Devil May Cry 3
2.Devil May Cry
3.Disgaea 2
4.Metal Gear Solid 2
5.Silent Hill 3

1.Silent Hill Origins
2.Crisis Core
3.Prinny: Can I really be the Hero?
4.Final Fantasy: Dissidia
5.God of War: Chains of Olympus

1.Disgaea 3
2.Devil May Cry 4
3.Resident Evil 5
4.Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
5.Valkyria Chronicles

1.Tales of Vesperia
2.Resident Evil 5
3.Ninja Gaiden 2
4.Lost Oddesy
5.Gears of War

*phew* that was a lot harder than I thought it would be...I tried to be as non-biased as I'm a blatant Zelda fan-boy  :e_confused:

Games / Re: Ouendan!!!
« on: August 31, 2009, 08:38:54 PM »
Aww I liked Elite Beat Agents ;_;

Either way yeah I'd have to reccomend them too.  Play-Asia has a really great deal on Ouendan 2.  $30 if memory serves correctly.  I wouldn't mind getting an OTO/EBA conversation started up...but what would we talk about?

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