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Topics - WolfeMcGowann

Pages: [1]
Characters / The Owner
« on: November 01, 2009, 04:15:58 PM »

Just read Excel Saga 7 today and he's now without a doubt my favourite character. Also, after seeing that picture of him as a member of Across, I really wish he did turn out to be the 3rd member. What a world that would be.

Anime / Eureka 7 //Good Night, Sleep Tight, Young Lovers//
« on: September 26, 2009, 12:24:56 PM »

Hey there everyone! I'm not sure if anyone ever had much interest in the original TV series, but what with it been shown in cinemas over in America last Friday, I was wondering if anyone got a chance to see it, and if they did <I know, a *big* if there>, perhaps they would care to share their thoughts.....

..... Don't all rush now.  :il_hahaha:

Apologies in advance for unabashedly stating my opinions, but I was pleasantly surprised by the movie, as it really departed from the original; completely changing at least two characters personality's completely, as well as many other plot points. It was kind of refreshing to see it change so much as opposed to other 44-episode-anime-series-condescended-into-a-2-hour-movies. <Cough> Gurren-Lagann <Cough>

Oh, and that ending song was beautiful against the credits, but that's probably me getting all sentimental...

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