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Started by E-E, November 15, 2005, 03:11:13 PM

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Just a bit. She's like the only one to survive more than two missions
For the last, time, it's a panda...


236 is out today (the RAW)

great chapter this week, worth the wait.


Gantz for those of you behind is taking a 'BIG' rest till November 17th when it returns with Phase two


And, to be blunt, the shits really hit the fan now
For the last, time, it's a panda...


well its just getting better and better.
Chapter 253 is awesome.
Also its been licensed by Dark Horse comic...
Yay finally
(i knew these guys would pick it up)


English Gantz? Cool, but irrelvant for us who have read through like 21 volumes so far (it'll be ages before it catches up and is worth me spending money on)

As for 253, its pretty awesome. Vampires are actually getting to do stuff now rather than the boring Katou-drama although I would not be the least bit suprised if Nishi comes out of nowhere and tries to shoot either Blondie or Chiaki vamp in the back within the the next two chapters (to allow time for Blondie to kick the osakan guy's arse around)
For the last, time, it's a panda...


Man gantz is awsome. i just started reading the manga about a week ago after watching some of the anime.
ay im a otuku and a metalhead. put them togeather and i become god. check me out on myspace ..marry me excel!!!


the anime is a joke compaired to the manga


Thread necro! As this is pretty much the only manga I follow anymore and its still good, I'm wondering if anyone else keeps up to date with it (chapter 296 is just out)?
For the last, time, it's a panda...


the admin here kept nagging at me to read gantz back at the old forums and i ignored him.

so 2 years later i get bored and bump across gantz when im looking for something to read.
i apologize for ignoring you, gantz has quickly become my favorite, or atleast tied for first.

just finihsed chapter 303, im guessing another 20/30 chapters left, judging since their last fight was about 80 chapters

got done watching the anime.

absolutely horrible how they ended it.

disgustingly horrible.