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Desktop Wallpapers

Started by Poey, September 19, 2008, 12:24:37 AM

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I recently joined, an online wallpaper-creating/scanning community. They have the best anime wallpapers I've ever seen, and it's because of a pretty rigorous submission process that weeds out a lot of crap and forces people to create masterpieces. Thanks to joining and being active, I've sorta gotten a little into photo editing and photoshop nonsense. I created my first wallpaper there and it was accepted (WOO!) and here it is...

It'd be great to see some of you guys there. In order to download wallpapers you have to join, but I REALLY REALLY think it's worth it (after browsing some of the wallpapers they have there, I'm sure you'd agree).

Anyway... if anyone else has created wallpapers, feel free to post them in this thread.