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Chit Chat thread

Started by Mas, March 07, 2009, 11:20:34 AM

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Lord Il

You have every right to be angry, HA1L. The "forgot" excuse is no excuse. That's very poor organization on their part.


fortunately they "remembered" to put it in for today but I mean jeez they're a government organization and if they're like this whats the rest of the Government like?.........good think I'm voting conservative next time f**king Gordon Brown

Mad Hatteress

Snazzy. I found a site that lists some pretty fun and weird questions to ask people. If I made a topic listing these questions would anyone be interested in answering them? I promise there wouldn't be anything too personal and I'd answer them as well, of course. I just don't want to be the only one!

I just thought it might be a neat way to learn some new info about our fellow forum members. Granted, it's pretty useless information, but still!


more silliness is cool if you ask me ..!
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Mad Hatteress

YAY! Oh, wow! This week my classes either have only a discussion project and/or a self-reflection! It's too bad it wasn't like this last week; I had to work a lot and, with the boatload of homework that I got, it was really difficult!

Of course when I have the weekend off and all the time in world I have a combined total of projects that won't even take an hour. I don't think I'll ever take four classes ever again, though. With working full time that got tough and the lack of sleep was almost too much to handle.


Less stress is awesome..!

Today, i had to hand over work that i hadn't even done yet for math... i used all class to hurry up and make it... when i was done, i realized i had to write it all again on a separate paper, with pen... So i had to hurry even more since class just ended there... i was allowed to just throw it in my teachers box though, he'd pick it up later... whew...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


::sitting down with a green tea::

I'm stressed out today for some reason. I guess after looking at a jobs page with nothing on for 2 hours can do this on anyone


I just couldn't be fucked to take work seriously today, I just feel like the sive at times, so today I took my sweet time.

Mad Hatteress

Thank goodness! There was a cancellation, so I can get my hair cut tomorrow! I have natural curls that are really horrible, so I need to keep it short, plus my bangs grow really fast. I should just shave my head bald; then I wouldn't have to worry about it for awhile.


I don't want no bowling ball-Maddy D:
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Mad Hatteress

Quote from: Micki! on March 13, 2010, 12:30:24 AM
I don't want no bowling ball-Maddy D:

You'll just have to wait and see, won't you? Mwahahahaha...

Lord Il

Quote from: Mad Hatteress on March 13, 2010, 07:41:01 AM
Quote from: Micki! on March 13, 2010, 12:30:24 AM
I don't want no bowling ball-Maddy D:

You'll just have to wait and see, won't you? Mwahahahaha...
You'd have an interesting new nickname here. :e_tongue:


It would be a nickname like the one the bowling villian gave himself in excel saga episode 9


well I don't know bout a bowling ball maddie but you'll be getting a bowling ball me ::sniff:: I'm goin bald because of the family curse

well thats what my Dad calls it, according to his story his great(x8) grandad had accused a neighbour of being a witch and they were hanged. Before she died the witch cursed my Great(x8) grandad's bloodline in that every male ancester of his will go bald before they're 26th birthday.

in reality it's just genetic XD and this story was made up


I like the witch story more, tell your kids ..! xD

Cool thing about my genes, the boys on my fathers side never seem to put on any (over-)weight ever whatsoever... Which i guess is pretty cool... He's also about 6x something now, and first now he has traces of grey hair, none of it gone lost of course...

I'm happy however i didn't get his fingers... Gorilla fingers, sausage sticks, large, large, fingers...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'