This is the first anime I've been really, truly excited about in a long time. So what is it? Well, the fansubbers put it this way: "Madoka Magica is about a normal teenage girl who is living a completely normal school life when she and her normal friend suddenly get attacked by the Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei opening."
And that's a pretty good description. The show starts off pretending like it's going to be your typical moeblob magical girl series (the first episode is hard to get through, but I swear it's worth it). And then all of a sudden...
Did I mention that there are quotes from Faust written on the walls? And that the cute animal mascot is Satan at worst, and engineering the destruction and deaths of teenage girls at best? Also the fight scenes look like this:
Also, Kalafina (Yuki Kaijiura's band that did the Kara no Kyoukai soundtrack) does the
ending song.
I'll just leave this here: