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Kanal-chan has grown up

Started by Carl Horn, March 02, 2011, 10:46:44 AM

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Carl Horn

I'm sure they'll have no trouble understanding her if they just float subtitles in mid-air...

P.S. She really does say "Erm..." like Sumiyoshi. It's so adorable!


Great, now I'm going to hear her voice when I read Sumiyoshi's dialogue...:il_hahaha:

Lord Il

I like her voice too, Carl. :e_wink:


Whenever anything to do with Cheryl appears in the news I can't help but think of her nickname:
"Cats should stick with other cats, it's only natural."

Carl Horn

Thanks to reading Viz magazine every month, I at least recognize Jonathan Ross ("Jonathan Ross' Quest For a Toss") and Jimmy Carr, but not the goth-looking bloke. Of course, we'll never know if Sumiyoshi has chocolate eyes, too, because we never get to see them ^_^


  Hey Carl!
    Hate to get off subject, (Please forgive!)..but are you going to make Fanimecon this year??
  I would hope to think that I wasted $50 if yourself and the Anime Hell guys don't show...
  Cheers Cory/The Eyesores