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The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Started by Soske, April 20, 2006, 08:48:56 PM

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Lord Il

.... dear god..... This is unbelievable. :il_hahaha:

There are no words for this. O_o


*EDITED- for correct episode order sequence, see most recent page*


Wild out-of-left-field theory time.

Endless 8, 8 is the month of August, obviously, next month is August. There's 2 weeks(well, one now, as it's already been on Japanese TV) left of Haruhi until we reach August, and that will take us up to 8 episodes where it will FINALLY end.

So yeah, what I'm saying is, tomorrow's is gonna be another waste of time, next week's is gonna be the end of the punishment.

Or they could make me out to be an idiot. Won't be the first time, but I figure I'd give it a shot.


im starting to think that way too. i guess they want to put a new spin on why its called the name it has.


Endless Eight is still going strong.

1) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya I
2) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya II
3) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya III
4) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya IV
5) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya V
6) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya VI
7) The Boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya
8) Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody
9) Mysterique Sign
10) Remote Island Syndrome (Part 1)
11) Remote Island Syndrome (Part 2)
12) Endless Eight (Part 1)
13) Endless Eight (Part 2)
14) Endless Eight (Part 3)
15) Endless Eight (Part 4)
16) Endless Eight (Part 5)
17) Endless Eight (Part 6)
18) Mikuru Asahina's Adventure
19) Live Alive
20) The Day Of Sagittarius


The brilliant assheads at Kyo Ani keep pounding the nail into the coffin of Haruhi. What a short life she lived. It doesn't really matter if the last half of this season is brilliant, who is going to buy the set with these turdisodes weighing it down.

Oh well, more money I save to spend on worthier series.

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move



Lord Il

Quote from: ElricJC on July 24, 2009, 10:50:59 AM
The brilliant assheads at Kyo Ani keep pounding the nail into the coffin of Haruhi. What a short life she lived. It doesn't really matter if the last half of this season is brilliant, who is going to buy the set with these turdisodes weighing it down.

Oh well, more money I save to spend on worthier series.
You have to wonder if this is all part of a plan.

The popularity of Haruhi Suzumiya went through the roof and beyond which probably far exceeded their expectations at the time. Perhaps it was decided they didn't wish to feel an obligation to continue beyond this second season in order to concentrate their efforts on other projects. Even so, it's a pretty strange move to purposely kill off such an obvious money making title.

However, the problem in my theory is why Kyoto would further fuel popularity of Haruhi through Lucky Star the way they did. O_o

But perhaps this is just a case of very, VERY poor directing.

Quote from: Lan on July 24, 2009, 02:36:53 PM
i agree with asahina from my sig.
I think many do. :il_hahaha:
Brilliant sig btw.


Its just a sshame those endless eight episodes seem a waste of time


For those board of this never ending pile of shite, I'm giving out the link to the fan translated chapter from the novel, where you can finally read how it ends. I for one was a bit disappointed. After all these episodes, you would expect a mind blowing epic for an ending, but alas, its not.


This just in!

For those of you who can't read Japanese, this is the list of upcoming Haruhi Season 2 DVDs. And according to this list, 12 of the 14 episodes are going to be Endless Eight. This list has popped up on multiple different pages, so I'm pretty sure it's not a fake.

EDIT: The new episode just aired. Endless Eight again lol.


Quote from: Foggle on July 30, 2009, 10:04:43 AM
This just in!

For those of you who can't read Japanese, this is the list of upcoming Haruhi Season 2 DVDs. And according to this list, 12 of the 14 episodes are going to be Endless Eight. This list has popped up on multiple different pages, so I'm pretty sure it's not a fake.

EDIT: The new episode just aired. Endless Eight again lol.

*twitch twitch*

12... of bloody 14? Well, if their goal was to drive the short lived series into the ground as soon as humanly possible then they've done a bang-up job of it. 83% of the fucking season is the same episode arc so far everyone here hates with a passion. I tried watching it again. Then I got angry, knowing it really wasn't going to get better, went to the store, bought the complete set of The Twelve Kingdoms, and am now much happier for it.

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move


I would agree that this new series aint much cop, as matter of fact I would probably not buy this if it came out in the uk on dvd


lol, this is friggin hilarious!

this is what it will look like in a few weeks-

1) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya I.
2) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya II.
3) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya III.
4) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya IV.
5) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya V.
6) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya VI.
7) The Boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya.
8) Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody.
9) Mysterique Sign.
10) Remote Island Syndrome (Part 1).
11) Remote Island Syndrome (Part 2).
12) Endless Eight (Part 1).
13) Endless Eight (Part 2).
14) Endless Eight (Part 3).
15) Endless Eight (Part 4).
16) Endless Eight (Part 5).
17) Endless Eight (Part 6).
18) Endless Eight (Part 7).
19) Endless Eight (Part 8).
20) Endless Eight (Part 9).
21) Endless Eight (Part 10).
22) Endless Eight (Part 11).
23) Endless Eight (Part 12).
24) Mikuru Asahina's Adventure.
25) Live Alive.
26) The Day Of Sagittarius.
27) Someday In The Rain.

*EDITED- for correct episode order sequence, see most recent page*


Why are they doing this? To Kyon's viewpoint,  he feels like he only did it once and since he's the narrator, you'd think they'd follow him! What about the disapearance of haruhi suzumiya? Are they scrapping it?