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My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)

Started by I'M Eh-chan!, February 28, 2007, 08:19:55 PM

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I'M Eh-chan!

@ starcat:

You're not causing any delays!

@ PinkBunny:

Easily entertained people have more fun anyways!
(< Is easily entertained as well)

@ HA1L:

*bows*  Thank you so much!  I'm so happy everyone is liking it!  Wow, I'm smiling from ear to ear right now!

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

I spamming a yahoo chat room with that link.
They love it.
Yay for Il Plallazzo dancing to numa numa!
<3 <3

Edit: feed back!

10:54:26 PM  ninja_uzumakinaruto: Illpala would never dance to such a mediocre attempt at uniting the masses through music designed to permeate the mind and chronically repeat through the sheer momentum it gains by its catchy, rhythmetic, but nonsensical repertoir of German. >O

^The guy said it thinking that Excel would say that...

I'M Eh-chan!

\o/  YAY!

I'm so glad I posted it now!

*wonders if I should have signed it...*

EDIT:  Updated with signed version.  And the 4 and 5 scene buttons magically work now!

EDIT EDIT:  LOL at the feedback!


.............omg. That is just... really, utterly amazing. The dancing and the trauma and the joy.

I'll dub more lines tonight, boss! But. If it's not too much hassle (and if it is I'll do it on my own!) can you make me an animation with all of the frames of Il Palazzo's vaguely frightening dance? I want to use it in an RP.


Quote from: "HerExellencyThePinkBunny"
10:54:26 PM  ninja_uzumakinaruto: Illpala would never dance to such a mediocre attempt at uniting the masses through music designed to permeate the mind and chronically repeat through the sheer momentum it gains by its catchy, rhythmetic, but nonsensical repertoir of German. [color]

Well to split hairs... the song is Romanian, not German.

But anywho, the voice actors sound phenomenal! I can't wait to hear the finished product :D

I'M Eh-chan!

@ Uncreativity:

I'd best not make that animation tonight (Genetics test tomorrow!  Must study!)  But I'll make it!

@ excel-kleinwald:

Are you still auditioning for Watanabe?  I need a Watanabe!  SOMEONE AUDITION!


Haha, nice work there..!

I feel like learning how to create flash movies myself now, because i see the posibilites...

I'll finish the additional art soon, so you can continue
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

I'M Eh-chan!

Awesome!  And I'm going to try a new technique for tracing in the models.  Instead of tracing with my mouse, I'm going to just draw a box and then reshape it for each body part.  I feel this will make the process a lot easier and the pieces much smoother.

I'M Eh-chan!

Yeah, there is that, but that tends to be a little unpredictable (it can totally morph the shape).  Also, when I draw a pencil line, I can't be sure where exactly flash will interpret whether I drew a corner or a curve, thus if I need to tweek the shape, I may end up having to pull multiple points and it just gets too messy  :Econfused:

I find this box method makes jagged lines (like hair) so much easier than drawing it with the pencil, having flash think I drew some kind of squiggly line that intersects itself, and then having a difficult time tweaking it.

(And I'm glad you like the avy!  :Evhappy: )

I'M Eh-chan!

Matching avatars wooooo!  *hopes to start a new head-banging craze in the forum*

Yeah, the vectors are great though for their scalability.

Lord Il

The poll has been removed as per your instruction, I'M Eh-chan!

That flash was great! I was particularly amused at Excel getting increasingly disgusted by the introduction of each new female member to ACROSS.
Changing the Lord's head size was a nice inside joke. :lol:

Oh, and the logo kicks ass.

@starcat: You were meant to be Elgala. No doubt!

I'M Eh-chan!

Quote from: "Lord il"The poll has been removed as per your instruction, I'M Eh-chan!

That flash was great! I was particularly amused at Excel getting increasingly disgusted by the introduction of each new female member to ACROSS.
Changing the Lord's head size was a nice inside joke. :lol:

Oh, and the logo kicks ass.

@starcat: You were meant to be Elgala. No doubt!

Fun fact:  Mince was supposed to appear in the fourth cut-away of the Girls segment.  Her head would have been added to the ladder between Excel and Elgala (hence the larger gap) and she would have joined the other two in the front.  But I currently have no Mince drawing (which is fine since I don't need her for RtS either), but that segment was so near completion that I just put it in anyways  :Etoung:

And thanks for removing that poll!

And yes, starcat is way to modest.  She was indeed meant to voice Elgala.  Or at least voice Elgala for me since that is exactly how I imagined her voice.


I would like to comment on Starcat's voice
I just listened to it now, i liked it alot, you'll certainly fit VERY well as Elgala's voice  8)
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

I'M Eh-chan!

Take your time.  I will take a character-by-character approach, so if I don't have Elgala lines, I can work on Excel lines instead and add Elgala later.

I threw this together rather quickly with Micki!'s assistance (he gave me the outline).  This a wire frame that will basically be used to build all the character models.  As you can see, it is quite versatile and easily posed.  I just have to take these basic shapes and mold them to each character and add details and then instant model!  This one is Excel, by the way.



Now, remember that i said this outline should pretty much apply to any character you want to use it for... So it's not like it's exclusivley Excel's body we have here...

Also makes work alot easier, with no real differences that anyone would notice at all... (the detail on the the character models themselves, or "skins" as it's called,  pretty much makes it up for it... and hides the similarities of the outlines very well

I'm glad to see the things i make are being taken into such good use... i've never really been part of a project like this before which has evolved this fast, actually...

If the flash movie is Done, would it be possible to get downloadable versions of it..?
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'