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Shadow of the colossus

Started by E-E, June 18, 2007, 02:42:15 PM

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Has anyone played this game for the PS2, Ive just finished it.
Its one of, if not thee best game ive ever played.


Heh heh, a couple years too late but yeah I just got it in december and it was awesome, when you combine it with its predecessir Ico, you can get some pretty crazy theories (or even by itself!).

The ending is so sad!


yeah but it has a better impact than just the typical happy ending I think

Lord Il

Ico was perhaps one of THE most underated games of our time. A game which screamed originality with it's puzzle elements in order to proceed further. Some people I've talked with thought it to be boring, but I thought it was a good change from everything else out there. Graphics were like fine animated oil paintings.

I have only one question: My ol' PS2 currently no longer plays the blue disc format (like the original Ico was). Is Shadow Of The Colossus also on blue disc?


nope, the blue discs are the cdrom games before they started using dvds.

Lord Il

Great! I'll have no problems playing the sequel then. I should pick this one up.

I think there was only a handful of games made in the PS2 CD ROM/blue disc format; Ico was one of them and was the only game that made my PS2 actually sound like a revving vacuum cleaner back in the day. :lol:


My blue discs no longer play on my PS2 either, *sigh* I miss those great games.  I tried to play Ico back when I finished SotC and I want to play it so badly!  I wonder if and/or how they will make the next continuation of the "horned boy" games.  I mean SotC just wrapped up the whole game into a full blown story with practically just the ending.