I was just wondering if there's any series you guys have purchased that you ended up regretting as the series progressed. I only have three, which I think is pretty good considering the size of my collection, but they ended up being longer ones and, since I couldn't return them, I felt I had to get the rest of the volumes because I'm a completion addict.
1. Sensual Phrase. I thought "Woooo! Hot romance!" but it turned out really angsty when Aine and Sakuya weren't having sex. In fact, sex and being mad at each other is about all they do with no clear reason as to why they love each other in the first place. It just seems odd that Sakuya, a guy who banged every woman he could, would suddenly become devoted to Aine. What made it even worse is how stupid Aine is; it seems like in every issue a strange man comes into her life that ends up wanting to do bad things to her. But does she learn? Nooooooo, and towards the end of the series she ends up getting raped.
2. Fruits Basket. I know, I know, it's super popular and a ton of people love it but towards the middle I thought it was just becoming all filler and "Waaaaaaaah! We all have problems so this manga is insanely deep, right?!". It ends up all smilely and roses at the end, though, which should leave everyone all happy and sparkly on the inside, right? Blech.
3. Tsubasa. I love CLAMP but this series is becoming too darn long and it's just "Let's go to another world and get one of Sakura's feathers!".