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The "What Are You Listening To Now" Thread

Started by Ekuseru, February 13, 2006, 02:57:31 AM

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Lord Il

^Amazingly, first time I saw that vid. Not my fav song mind you (IMO, kinda pop-py for a Garbage track), but it's okay. ^^
I was a bit of a Garbage fan back in the day. Songs like Hammering In My Head, Breaking Up Girl, I Think I'm Paranoid, Stupid Girl, and Only Happy When it Rains are truly memorable.. Somewhat EMO tracks, but good! :il_hahaha:

Currently listening to a lighter sounding song from Faith No More - Stripsearch.

Mad Hatteress

Quote from: Lord Il on September 24, 2009, 03:33:47 PM
^Amazingly, first time I saw that vid. Not my fav song mind you (IMO, kinda pop-py for a Garbage track), but it's okay. ^^
I was a bit of a Garbage fan back in the day. Songs like Hammering In My Head, Breaking Up Girl, I Think I'm Paranoid, Stupid Girl, and Only Happy When it Rains are truly memorable.. Somewhat EMO tracks, but good! :il_hahaha:

I just seem to have a thing for songs that talk about drag queens. Also, it was the very first Garbage song I ever heard (thanks to the game Amplitude) so it's special to me since it introduced me to the band.

Lord Il

^That's amazing. lol! My first exposure to that song was also from Amplitude... It was on a Playstation demo disc actually. ^^;

Check out their older stuff I mentioned earlier if you never heard those. See what ya think.

super llama

Mastodon's "Crack the Skye" album.

Easily the best metal album I've ever heard. And I don't even like metal all that much.
All these college professors teaching classes about Shakespeare, who was the 16th-century equivalent of a director of summer-blockbusters, makes me wonder if 500 years from now we'll have college courses on the subtle nuances of Michael Bay movies.


Suicidal Tendencies & Infectious Grooves - Payback's A Bitch.

IG is probably the greatest band in existence.

Mad Hatteress

You guys are gonna LOL sooooooo bad... I absolutely adore "This is my Happiness" from Space Channel 5:


Oddly enough the sound track from quake 2 and the sweeny todd cd soundtrack.



Lord Il

Beastie Boys vs. Faith No More - Everything's Intergalactic

A mash-up of Intergalactic Planetary by Beastie Boys and Everything's Ruined by Faith No More.

YouTube can be amazing.

Lord Il

Stumbled across this by accident last night..
Victims of Science - "The Device Has Been Modified"
The free mp3 is available at (Couldn't resist getting it. heh..)

If you've never played Portal before, whats wrong with you?? =P Get yourself a copy immediately. Best puzzle game everrrrrrrrr.


Lord Il

Listening to some... very light piano music. O_o
It's actually The Girl Who Leapt Through Time soundtrack. It's the included CD that comes with the limited edition anime DVD. This was a Christmas gift I just opened this evening. Can't wait to watch it as I heard it has a great story.

Mad Hatteress

I'm writing a very boring essay so I need music! It's a sad song about a man pining for someone for two years and about to give up on them but I like it because the lyrics are so bittersweet and I LOVE his voice. It's called Last Song by Edward Bear. My gosh was it hard to find!


I'm listening to Carla Bruni, whose voice is the aural equivalent of Vicodin. I just discovered her and I kind of love her, but then I realized that she's the chick that married Sarkozy. No one should be that pretty, a great singer, and married to the president of France. Bitch. XD
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.