wha? you mean there's only 14 episodes total?
That's crazy talk...
In any case, i have a feeling that the first "closed space" adventure will be the last episode- from what we hear in Episode 4 (7), something happened there, and I wouldn't be surprised if that something is something between kyon and haruhi- you know, the tpye of thing usually left for the end of an anime series... Plus, haruhi and Kyon were getting pretty cozy on the clifftop in episode 8 (10).. ie before they fell off... the whole thing in the cave should be ignored since we've seen haruhi doesn't care who sees her changing...
Besides, I think there is a lot of explaination still not revealed.. stuff that you would usually know by episode 10...
Like, really, what's up wiht Kyon... the fact that he doesn't have a real name instantly makes him suspicious, as does the fact that he isn't suspicous to begin with...
I'ma cooking up theories by the dozen here...
but, still, 14 eps? that can't be right, surely there's 26... c'mon... please?
And is there an english version of the manga, and is it still being serialised?