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Doctor Who? {Insert Electronic Opening Theme Here}

Started by DarkLightMoJo, October 01, 2006, 04:29:53 PM

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I agree it was quite enjoyable and I like the assistant aswell XD but I cannot wait to see the return of the Daleks working for Chuchill XD


yeah, a brilliant episode indeed. it wasnt Moffat at his very best, but it was a great start.


I agree a very good episode indeed, curious about the dalek with the uk flag on it though and the zombie like cyberman from the coming soon bit at the end.


Indeed! I loved it even though I wasn't sure about Matt Smith at first (I thought he looked all smarmy in the previews). Luckily, it was really entertaining, though I thought the whole running off before your marriage thing was a little forced, but hey! that's the only thing I'd complain about. I'm so excited for Moffat!
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


I just watched the 2 episodes withthe weeping angels.....good god nothing else out there freaks me out. give me zombies and Daleks and Cybermen to face no problems but the weeping angels and I'm running


They moved!!!!! keep them away and for gods sake dont blink!!!
we have statues at work. oh my god keep them away from me!

hey, what about the final scene hu? hu? i know i would...

As for the crack in the wall, well I think the doctor is thinking about undoing time to the time war.


I have to yet watch the second episode with Weeping Angels, but heck, this new series has been awesome so far.
Matt Smith is really great as The Doctor.


Quote from: Kharaxel on May 02, 2010, 09:46:05 AM
I have to yet watch the second episode with Weeping Angels, but heck, this new series has been awesome so far.
Matt Smith is really great as The Doctor.

I totally agree with this, I had my doubts but then again I said that about David Tennant and look how that went XD........


I missed the coming soon bit, whats the next episode about


Quote from: exckilla on May 04, 2010, 01:26:30 PM
I missed the coming soon bit, whats the next episode about

"Vampires" in Venice.


oh great more vampires god I love know sarcasm really does suck on a forum


Doctor Twilight anyone? :e_annoyed:

I dont think the next 6 episodes are going to be very good. They arnt written by moffat, and nor was the recent ww2 episode...



true I am looking forward to the next episode I'm just getting sick of vampires they're bloody everywhere. I reckon if I saw a vampire in my room I wouldn't scream or yell or try to fight it I think i'd just say something sarcastic (ie oh look the lord of the average undead stereotype)


They will be the usuall species that the doctor as only heard of and have some strange alien name