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What's the last anime you've seen?

Started by NWalterstorf, January 29, 2007, 10:49:33 AM

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super llama

Quote from: Foggle on October 23, 2007, 03:09:04 PM
Quote from: super llama on October 23, 2007, 02:58:26 PMI just finished watching the final episode of Cowboy Bebop. SPIKE DIES saddens me, though at least he went out like the badass that he is.


Liek OMG j00 ruind teh edning. >:(

Nah, just kidding.  Cowboy Bebop is one of my favorite shows of all time.

*evil laughter*  :eevil:\

Seriously, though, it's like 'Aeris dies' now. The plot twist that's not really a plot twist anymore.
All these college professors teaching classes about Shakespeare, who was the 16th-century equivalent of a director of summer-blockbusters, makes me wonder if 500 years from now we'll have college courses on the subtle nuances of Michael Bay movies.


I didn't know how it ended, but it's not a favorite of mine anyway, and the ending sounds typical. :P

I recently got a small lot of romantic comedy anime DVDs off Youtube--all first discs--and watched Midori Days.  Not too impressed, but it wasn;t as stupid as I thought it might be when I first heard the concept.  I have Love Hina to go, and Hare and Guu.  (I saw a sample of that one, and looking forward to more of it!)



Quote from: super llama on October 23, 2007, 06:17:39 PM
Seriously, though, it's like 'Aeris dies' now. The plot twist that's not really a plot twist anymore.

Lolz, a hentai site is named Aeris Dies. That's what you find when you google it. D:

Quote from: Inkwolf on October 23, 2007, 06:28:15 PM
I didn't know how it ended, but it's not a favorite of mine anyway, and the ending sounds typical. :P

It wasn't that typical back when it was made. :laugh:


Quote from: Foggle on October 23, 2007, 06:34:03 PM
Quote from: super llama on October 23, 2007, 06:17:39 PM
Seriously, though, it's like 'Aeris dies' now. The plot twist that's not really a plot twist anymore.

Lolz, a hentai site is named Aeris Dies. That's what you find when you google it. D:

Quote from: Inkwolf on October 23, 2007, 06:28:15 PM
I didn't know how it ended, but it's not a favorite of mine anyway, and the ending sounds typical. :P

It wasn't that typical back when it was made. :laugh:

Yes indeed when I first saw the ending (like years back) I wasn't a typical ending. It was a lil bit of a surprise to me when they killed Spike off


I suppose the big impression it made was why it was imitated so much.


super llama

Watched the first five episodes of Wolf's Rain.
Semi-funny story. The very first episode I saw of Wolf's Rain was the very last one. So before I really started watching the series I already knew exactly how it's gonna end. ;_;
From all the episodes I've seen so far (I've also seen two other episodes, and have also read the manga) I'd have to say Quent and Blue are my favorite characters so far.

Also watching:

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
To anyone who hasn't watched it yet, I highly recommend it, especially if you like Azumanga Daioh. It's a lot like that, only the students are stranger and the teacher's a paranoid, depressing, suicidal nutjob.

I've only watched the first episode so far, and I have no idea what it's about, though I've figured out it takes place during the Great Depression and apparently right in the middle of a mob war, and there's people getting killed and coming back to life (one kid gets his head blown off, only to have all the pieces come flying back together.)
All these college professors teaching classes about Shakespeare, who was the 16th-century equivalent of a director of summer-blockbusters, makes me wonder if 500 years from now we'll have college courses on the subtle nuances of Michael Bay movies.



I have recently bought ALL of Burn Up Excess AND Burn Up W which now is a virtual impossibility as I haven't even been able to find the collection



Wait, Aeris dies?!?!??!!??!?!?!




I just watched all of Death Note.

There are NO spoilers in this review, so don't worry.

I thought it was... uh... well okay, here's my thing:

I thought the show itself was mediocre. Dialogue wasn't very good (some of it was pretty cheesy), and the general style/characters were really generic modern shallow Anime style and mediocre. A lot of elements of the show was fairly unnecessary, such as the whole shinigami realm thing. In the end it wasn't absolutely critical that this realm or these shinigami characters existed... I hate to make judgments like that, but this shinigami realm didn't appeal to me at all and it wasn't very necessary for what I was interested in.

However, some of the main themes and questions posed in the show were very interesting to me. The scenario created with the 'death note' was a fine idea, and the scenario with Light becoming the 'God' of a new world was a great set-up for the show. The question of morality is obvious, is judging the worth of someone's life 'okay'? The whole L vs. Light thing worked very nice, a sort of rivalry of different ideals. I also liked how it was never very clear (until the end of the show) what side was truly good/evil. Obviously there is the politically correct side vs. the more dangerous side, but it isn't really presented that way. The main character would normally be considered 'evil', however I found myself half-way rooting him on throughout the show (IE... thinking "damn, how's he gonna get himself out of this situation?!").

My problem with the show, however, was the presentation of these ideas. I thought the specific rules for the 'death note' made it specific to the show itself, thus detracting from the idea's applications to everyday life. However I'm not sure if the show would have worked the same if it were more of a general philosophy, so oh well. I still think the shinigami thing was relatively unnecessary, but again the show still works fine with it. I just wish that it followed up on it more (what happens to the shinigami realm after the show ends?)


One thing I didn't like about the ending is that I really saw it coming... the way I saw it, there could only be 2 or 3 possible endings: the death of Yagami Light (and the death of his 'ideal world'), or the success of his 'ideal world'. There could be other possibilities, but these were the 2 I was expecting. Unfortunately, the show took the obvious choice and killed Light. This was fine, but my problem is the way they made him look right before he died. They destroyed the ambiguity of which side was truly good/evil by making Light and his dream look like a crazy fantasy world as Light loses his mind and freaks out and confesses everything when he realizes he's been screwed. Again, my problem with the show lies in how they present things. They could have continued the grey area between good/evil while still killing Light, or even made him into a martyr of sorts, but instead they decided to make him look crazy and cowardly as he basically destroys himself. Oh well. "Good" triumphed, I guess. 

Blah blah... I sure did look into this whole thing a bit much for a supposedly 'mediocre' show, didn't I... oh well. It was entertaining, for sure.

E^D Crow

I just picked up Welcome to the NHK.

I watched it with a friend, who is a psychology major in college, and he loved it.  Now I have to get the manga...dammit...yet one more.  I already have the anime volume 2 w/box on pre-order.

Sato is a deeply disturbed individual.  It makes me just a little bit more thankful for having a job, and friends, and basic social skills.

There, but for the grace of god, go I.



QuoteI watched it with a friend, who is a psychology major in college, and he loved it.  Now I have to get the manga...dammit...yet one more.  I already have the anime volume 2 w/box on pre-order.

The manga is quite a bit better, and substantially more 'adult' (not hentai mind you, but it deals with issues of perversion, so it's unavoidable to come close to crossing the line, or occasionally hopping over it for a quick stroll before going back).

I'm almost finished with vol. 1 of Burst Angel.  I'm not very impressed so far and I don't know if I'll keep watching - again, very shallow, simple characters.  Alas, it seems much of what Gonzo hitches its buggy up to nowadays are anime with little going for them beyond the animation of Gonzo.  So far I don't give a hoot about any of the characters, but maybe I'll see what vol. 2 has in store - if it doesn't really bust open, I'll leave it alone.

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move

super llama

Quote from: Poey on November 14, 2007, 04:33:17 PM
I just watched all of Death Note.


My biggest problem with that show/manga is that they talk too damn much. I mean, I understand that this is less of an action title than other shonen titles, but when you get bogged down in all the damn talking they do (when I read the manga, I often had to reread the same page three or four times just to get what the hell they're talking about), that's when thing's start to go south.

I like the art style, though.

Wait, didn't I already talk about Death Note earlier in the topic? Eh, whatever...

Oh, and I just watched the final four episodes of Trigun. The Vash vs. Knives fight was pretty cool.
All these college professors teaching classes about Shakespeare, who was the 16th-century equivalent of a director of summer-blockbusters, makes me wonder if 500 years from now we'll have college courses on the subtle nuances of Michael Bay movies.


^^ Now that I think about it, you're right. It's probably a lot more noticeable in the manga when you have to read it. I can handle a lot of dialogue/speaking though since that's normally what I'm mostly interested in.


Okay, I made it up to Vol. 4 of Burst Angel, but I'm stopping - this is one of the most idiotic series I have seen in some time.  It's so painfully cliche, I literally can't stand watching anymore of it.  It's nothing more than a fanservice platform, where all the female leads wear the skimpiest, most idiotic looking outfits I could ever imagine, and they do the same damn thing every episode (which almost always results in Meg being kidnapped by the bad guy), and why don't we toss in a whiny, annoying milquetoast male protagonist as well?

Utter crap, a total wreck of an anime series.  Oh Gonzo, why do you keep hitching your trailer onto brainless anime like this?  Oh, and the opening theme song has got to be the most moronic piece of J-Pop crap I have ever heard - it's like something the band came up with at the last moment.  A bunch of nonsense and misused English.  Horrid.

Rating (Scale of 1-5, higher the better):  1 1/2

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move