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What's the last anime you've seen?

Started by NWalterstorf, January 29, 2007, 10:49:33 AM

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Who cares if you didn't get lucky star, you must admit it is funny

Lord Il

Quote from: Poey on June 21, 2008, 06:10:38 PM
Quote from: ElricJC on June 20, 2008, 09:17:48 PM
QuoteI just watched "Lucky Star".......I hope it gets better. or someone can explain it to me.

Yeah, I don't "get it" either, and I could say more but I'm fantastically drunk and rather surprised I managed to type "fantastically" with only four minor corrections before I actually post this worthless comment, not to mention the fact that I type fantastically (yet again) with quotation marks the second time I typed it, and then referencing it with a third mention with a parenthetical and completely pointless comment thereafter.  In fact I shouldn't be typing at all, but since I am and I don't seem to be stopping for the moment perhaps someone else can explain this because I think I lost my train of thought and I'm about to hit 'Post' even though by all rights I shouldn't, but that's impaired judgment for you, and I am shocked I spelled all that correctly (thank you Firefox) in this state.  And now I shall fall over.

A+ Post, will read again.
I agree. That was an epic win post if I've ever seen one. Awesome. :il_hahaha:

Quote from: exckilla on June 22, 2008, 02:05:12 PM
Who cares if you didn't get lucky star, you must admit it is funny
Too true. The formula of Lucky Star is somewhat similar to Azumanga Daioh - A good amount of the time it's about nothing. Don't even try to understand and merely go with the flow. Should you try to wrap your head around Lucky Star, I won't be responsible for any psychiatric bills incurred.  :lordilsmile:


Quote from: Lord Il on June 22, 2008, 05:35:07 PM
Quote from: exckilla on June 22, 2008, 02:05:12 PM
Who cares if you didn't get lucky star, you must admit it is funny
Too true. The formula of Lucky Star is somewhat similar to Azumanga Daioh - A good amount of the time it's about nothing. Don't even try to understand and merely go with the flow. Should you try to wrap your head around Lucky Star, I won't be responsible for any psychiatric bills incurred.  :lordilsmile:
I agree


I got that FLCL box set.

That bundle is a REALLY good deal.


On the subject of fclc, I believe it is bloody disgusting to charge £16 to £20 for a one hour dvd, its a great anime but I certainly think it is a bit of a rip off


I thought so as well, which is why I never bought it before... 3 dvds for 6 freakin episodes?! At least the set was a bit cheaper than buying 3 dvds separately, and came with a bunch of bonus crap.


On that note, the entire Excel Saga anime is available in slim-pack form for $50. :il_hahaha: Nice...


Ah well, I got it the old fashioned way by way of the poorhouse $$$$...  :elcry:
Does the slim pack have all the disc features?


Mmm... don't think so.

Does anyone have it?


don't need it bought all my Excel Saga collection for £12 altogether  :ehail:


I bought the full sized Imperfect Collection a long time ago for $70.  Normally I will buy slims when available, but I think I would have missed the special features from Excel Saga too much :).

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move


The slim packs do have the extras, as I have bought a few in the past, nuku nuku dash, nuku nuku tv, the world of narue and dragonball z season 3 (the best saga)


Just finished watching the entire series of Full Metal Panic.
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't many people happy?


I fought fmp was pretty shit, it started alright (ignoring fmp fumoffu which was really funny) until the end of episode 4 where I felt to start a series, it was dragging it out a bit.


Not as bad as some of the series out there.
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't many people happy?