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Chit Chat thread

Started by Mas, March 07, 2009, 11:20:34 AM

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Quote from: Micki! on October 07, 2009, 03:02:16 AM
I had to fix the breast sizes for more authenticy...
How could I make such an elementary mistake?  :elangry: I think I may get stabbed in the night by a certain vengeful purple-haired woman. :O
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.

Mad Hatteress

Graaaaaaaah! I'm so bummed! Something weird is going on with the softcover Darkstalkers book so now it says "Item usually ships in 1 to 2 months"!. I'm guessing it's been delayed but maybe they didn't have enough copies?

Either way I'm getting impatient and want to know what's going on. The hard cover is still available on Capcom's site but I'm not paying $80!

Lord Il

Quote from: Pamplemousse on October 06, 2009, 09:04:47 PM

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Quote from: Micki! on October 07, 2009, 03:02:16 AM
Quote from: Pamplemousse on October 06, 2009, 09:04:47 PM

 (  Y  )
   / \      

   / \

   / \

I had to fix the breast sizes for more authenticy...

This is how I usually thought them as:

 (  Y  )
   / \  

   / \

   / \

:il_hahaha: I dunno.... Hyatt and Excel are about the same really.
I found this really hilarious though.

At an old anime board I used to frequent, we actually had a discussion on anime breast sizes. I have absolutely no idea how it started, but it was a fun topic. Excel was actually brought up within the discussion. If I remember correctly, we decided she was a size C. :lordilsmile:


Quote from: Lord Il on October 08, 2009, 01:46:01 PM
Quote from: Pamplemousse on October 06, 2009, 09:04:47 PM

   / \      

   / \

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Quote from: Micki! on October 07, 2009, 03:02:16 AM
Quote from: Pamplemousse on October 06, 2009, 09:04:47 PM

 (  Y  )
   / \      

   / \

   / \

I had to fix the breast sizes for more authenticy...

This is how I usually thought them as:

 (  Y  )
   / \  

   / \

   / \

:il_hahaha: I dunno.... Hyatt and Excel are about the same really.
I found this really hilarious though.

At an old anime board I used to frequent, we actually had a discussion on anime breast sizes. I have absolutely no idea how it started, but it was a fun topic. Excel was actually brought up within the discussion. If I remember correctly, we decided she was a size C. :lordilsmile:

What the world has made...

(quote quotting quotiting)


I have created an awesome monster  :il_hahaha:
Ok, let's play a fun game called "I defy you to beat my ES nerdiness"!
Today, I, Pample, made Dungeons and Dragons characters for the ACROSS girls, just in case I wanted to play them in the future.
Excel is a cleric (mostly for the evangelical fun, though I considered barbarian)
Hyatt is a necromancer
Elgala is a rogue
I bet you cannot win this game, but I think realistically he or she who loses actually wins. 
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


That reminds me of that certain spin-off chapter xD
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Quote from: Pamplemousse on October 08, 2009, 11:39:13 PM
I have created an awesome monster  :il_hahaha:
Ok, let's play a fun game called "I defy you to beat my ES nerdiness"!
Today, I, Pample, made Dungeons and Dragons characters for the ACROSS girls, just in case I wanted to play them in the future.
Excel is a cleric (mostly for the evangelical fun, though I considered barbarian)
Hyatt is a necromancer
Elgala is a rogue
I bet you cannot win this game, but I think realistically he or she who loses actually wins. 

LOL. I totally think Excel would be a Barbarian though - she's uncivilized (as normal Excel, not Teriha), oblivious to social cues, brutal, and knows how to rage and kick butt.

Hyatt would be a Cleric I think, since she knows all about the other side. Something divine has to be keeping her around :D.

Totally agree with Elgala as a Rogue though.

Also, you're not the first to translate ES characters as RPG characters, though I did it with GURPS :p.

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move


Huzzah, Elric! I'm not alone in my nerdiness! And yes, Micki, I may have been inspired by That Chapter. :D
Haha, Barbarian Excel is totally more fitting (though then she'd be useful,  :il_hahaha:), but I love playing hyperactive word-of-god-spouting Clerics. Hyatt would totally work as a dazed, dying oracle cleric, you're right. XD
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


Ok, so I was paging through a Dean Koontz book (not my usual fare, but meh not the point) and I came across this passage:

"The big guy's mother had probably told him that he had hazel eyes. Hazel is a light golden-brown. He did not have hazel eyes. They were more yellow rather than golden, and they were more yellow than brown. If his pupils had been elliptical instead of round, I could almost have believed that he was a humanoid puppet and that an intelligent mutant cat was curled up in his skull, peering at me through the empty sockets. And not a nice intelligent mutant cat."
(Koontz, Odd Hours, 2008)

Dean Koontz stole Solarian eyes AND figured out the mystery of said ancient culture: Il Palazzo and Kabapu are INTELLIGENT MUTANT CATS! And not nice ones! :O
ACROSS really means "Any Cat is Radioactive in the Solarian Sun!"
Cower in fear, Fukuoka!
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


Lord Il

Quote from: Pamplemousse on October 09, 2009, 10:20:53 AMDean Koontz stole Solarian eyes AND figured out the mystery of said ancient culture: Il Palazzo and Kabapu are INTELLIGENT MUTANT CATS! And not nice ones! :O
ACROSS really means "Any Cat is Radioactive in the Solarian Sun!"
Cower in fear, Fukuoka!
Ah, ah, ah...
What about the letter "O"?

You almost had me until I realized you didn't use the "O". :il_hahaha:

Mad Hatteress

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It's barely October and there's already snow here! I HATE living in Minnesota!


I made one of those Kayne West comics myself, it even has me in it, but it's a bit of an inside-joke, as the line "one moment, Breakfast" is part of a certain event i went through, so i'll explain that part here:

it was in May, when 3DRealms  (makers of Duke Nukem) were supposedly closing (not really though, the company is still alive, that's irrelevant though), i attend to 3DR's forums every single day, my first forum ever, so i'm quite attached to that place and the company...

I woke up, and friends from said forum started calling me over skype, i was still heating toasts for breakfast though, and the toasts finish only 2 pieces at a time, and i have to give each side another turn to completely finish heating them on both sides...
So like, they call, and immediately say:
"Micki, 3DR is closing..!"
And i'm like ", one moment, breakfast"
So i walk away from my mic, and return, and they're like:
"you heard me right ..? It's gonna clo--"
"one moment, breakfast"
Damn toast kept interrupting them
So third time "i can't believe this, aren't you gonna say something Micki ..?"
"well, ... one moment, breakfast" -as i interrupt myself...
Then they cracked up, i kept interrupting them, or myself, to get my breakfast (i want it hot, man) So i made that into a Kayne West comic...

Ok so much for introduction for the whole breakfast thing, so i guess you guys should be able to understand the whole idea now...

A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Mad Hatteress

Oh dear lord I'm so excited! I just ordered the Adventures of Tintin cartoon series! I'm pissed they left out Tintin in America, but "Oh well", I guess. I have all the comics but I haven't seen the cartoon since I was, like, seven; I'm probably gonna start crying from nostalgia when I watch them. The cartoon was what got me into the comics. I still remember when I was twelve walking through the library, saw the comics and thought they looked familiar, and checked out some of them. I've been a fan ever since and love the series to death. Heh... I so wish I could have Captain Haddock as a relative! We'd get along so well!

Right... Enough screwing around; I gotta do homework. *sigh*