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The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Started by Soske, April 20, 2006, 08:48:56 PM

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Lord Il

^Was it Kyoto Animation's site? I saw something there about a 2009 Haruhi calendar available among a few other things.


I can't wait until the novels are released  :elhail:  Yen Press has the rights to it and to the higurashi manga (but tears because as far as I know no one has picked up the kyo kara maoh novels)

but I'm getting off topic, I'm suprised there's no info about a second season. You think such a popular series would have some.


Aw man, Oubliette Guy doesn't like Haruhi. Too bad.
Why don't you just eat peanuts with your eyes and spaghetti through your nose you offense to God!


He says he doesnt like the character designs.


If you own this series, live in the uk and are fed up with it take it to you local CEX shop


Sorry, dudes, I just watched the series and it didn't do much for me.

There are only four discs, right?  There's not some great final climax I've missed?  (Anyway, our library system only owns up to Disc 4... )



Quote from: Inkwolf on January 31, 2009, 08:00:34 PM
Sorry, dudes, I just watched the series and it didn't do much for me.

There are only four discs, right?  There's not some great final climax I've missed?  (Anyway, our library system only owns up to Disc 4... )

Yeah, 14 episodes, that's all of them.

And I agree, there is nothing really special about this series. Kyoto Animation animates really well, but that's all I like about their anime. Haruhi Suzumiya light novels were a lot more enjoyable, in my opinion.


Lord Il



Haruhi is currently being repeated on Japanese TV in the correct order, and apparently afterwards its going to show 14 new episodes!! could this be an April fools though??


no it's true Haruhi is recieving a second series (it's to popular XD)


Quote from: Lan on August 16, 2008, 10:38:39 AM
No offence to Haruhi fans here, but COME ON! The anime is BLAND BLAND BLAND BLAND!
There NEEDS to be a second series just to kick start this series into something I wont fall asleep too!
and thats what they did. News flash folks, NEW HARUHI EPISODE AIRED ALREADY!!! If they keep inserting new episodes into the original series like this, all will be forgiven. Never in a million years was it intended to be 14 episodes long.
Bland ja nai! ^_^

New ending credits already uploaded to You Tube-

Lord Il

^Looks like the real deal alright.

And yes, apparently this new episode known as "Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody" was aired very sneakily within the re-running of the first season. And a lil Googling revealed that it was so hush-hush that television stations airing it were asked not to reveal advance details of the airing. O_o Crazy, I tell you.

So the question is how Kadokawa is going to handle the airing of future new episodes. Will they continue to sneak 'em in like this? Kinda seems like their game plan.

Edit: There are about a dozen Raws of this episode on YouTube now.
Not really an action oriented episode. Appears to be some amount of time travel stuff happening. That's all I'll say at this point. ^^


im sort of expecting the fan subs to be availible sometime today. some people say it could break a new record from airing to fansub. maybe tonight i will be watching it??

its up at *goes watch it*