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What game did you buy most recently?

Started by BloodShed, August 04, 2007, 11:28:18 AM

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Picked up Catherine for PS3. Puzzles are surprisingly fun and addictive (GODDAMN HARD, THOUGH), while the story is probably the best I've ever seen in a video game. I definitely recommend it.


Quote from: E^D Crow on July 06, 2011, 05:50:24 PM
To expand on Soske's and Foggle's thoughts on Alice: Madness Returns:  I totally agree.

While the game may not be very advanced, on a technical and gameplay level, I think this is the perfect example of video games as a storytelling medium.

I just paused the game, to tell you all that it's really great fun, totally engaging, and just gorgeous (if not overall very difficult, while, at othertimes, intentionally difficult).  I'm also fighting with the camera, all the time!


Perspective Shift:






I'm also a sucker for truly awesome DLC, and got a bunch of freaking sweet costumes and weapons, and, so... I'm already overpowered, due to effects.  X^D  ...or I can rock a horrible, freaky, living-flesh dress! ....or have a clock-work arm!?  The Caterpillar and White Rabbit suits are also cute has hell on Alice, while completely in keeping with its own morbid charm.

American McGee's Alice...  Started it, but felt it was a little too touchy for my tastes.  I said "screw it", and just went into the sequel.

just sayin i waited and waited for A:MR to come out ever since AM:A came out.
Im happy to say i got every achievement on the game and the storytelling was absolutely perfect in the game.  I hoped for a more...explanatory ending (i hate endings where you just have to assume what comes next... i know its a popular way of storytelling, but i'd like to SEE teh good ending, not assume it)

the rest of the story was perfect however.
I'm picking up Catherine tomorrow.

E^D Crow


Holy shit, this is an awesome game!  I've been looking forward to playing this for MONTHS, and it does not disappoint.  I got it for the PS3 (download for only $10).

The Deal:  It's a twin-stick shooter: you are a spaceship, left analog is move, right analog is shoot/aim, plus nifty super weapons with the triggers.
The hook?  The game uses ANY song on the system as the basis for the visuals and enemies.  Slow, quiet parts: your guns aren't as effective, but there are less enemies.
Fast, loud parts: your guns are way powerful, but there are loads and loads of enemy ships and debris.
And it was all made by ONE GUY.

Each song will give you the same enemy patterns, so if you want to re-do a "level" it won't be different.
The visuals, oh, GOD the visuals are an explosion of color in your retinas!

You must discover how much fun this game is.  It's not very complicated (shoot stuff, dont get hit) but can be very challenging.  You can even set the visuals to a beyond the impossible 200%, but that also makes everything a bit more difficult, because you are blinded by the awesome.

If you have a PS3 or a Steam account (some kind of PC game thingy) you have got to play this game.

Now, I am about to shoot down more crazy spaceships to some Ray Charles tunes.



Bought myself skylanders for the xbox360 and must say really addictive, bit cheeky that it's a game that requires you to spend cash on additional figures for use with the portal of power.

E^D Crow


Holy crap, I have played this game for over 250 hours since Nov. 12th.  It is like having a second job, except you enjoy it.

It's as buggy as Bethesda's reputation, and kind of gets choppy/slows down on the PS3 after a while, but I don't care.  It's just too damn much fun.  I haven't played any other game since...



Quote from: E^D Crow on December 29, 2011, 12:15:58 PM

Holy crap, I have played this game for over 250 hours since Nov. 12th.  It is like having a second job, except you enjoy it.

It's as buggy as Bethesda's reputation, and kind of gets choppy/slows down on the PS3 after a while, but I don't care.  It's just too damn much fun.  I haven't played any other game since...


I loved Skyrim.  I got to the level cap of 81 and still had more to explore.  Enchanting is broken though, being able to cast spells at 0mp cost made the game quite easy.


Quote from: Soske on December 29, 2011, 03:38:59 PM
Quote from: E^D Crow on December 29, 2011, 12:15:58 PM

Holy crap, I have played this game for over 250 hours since Nov. 12th.  It is like having a second job, except you enjoy it.

It's as buggy as Bethesda's reputation, and kind of gets choppy/slows down on the PS3 after a while, but I don't care.  It's just too damn much fun.  I haven't played any other game since...

how'd you do that with enchanting? O.o

I loved Skyrim.  I got to the level cap of 81 and still had more to explore.  Enchanting is broken though, being able to cast spells at 0mp cost made the game quite easy.


Quote from: Squeezit on January 10, 2012, 02:01:11 AM
Quote from: Soske on December 29, 2011, 03:38:59 PM
Quote from: E^D Crow on December 29, 2011, 12:15:58 PM

Holy crap, I have played this game for over 250 hours since Nov. 12th.  It is like having a second job, except you enjoy it.

It's as buggy as Bethesda's reputation, and kind of gets choppy/slows down on the PS3 after a while, but I don't care.  It's just too damn much fun.  I haven't played any other game since...

how'd you do that with enchanting? O.o

I loved Skyrim.  I got to the level cap of 81 and still had more to explore.  Enchanting is broken though, being able to cast spells at 0mp cost made the game quite easy.
You need to get enchanting to 100 first, which is easy if done in conjunction with getting smithing to 100.  You then need to find and disenchant items that have the mp cost reduction for the schools you want to use (for most its Destruction and Restoration).  When enchanting is maxed you can put two enchants on one item, and the mp cost reduction will 25%.  Since there's no dimishing returns with it, you put the enchantments on your helm, armor, ring, and necklace.  Final step, enjoy casting Lightning Storm for 0 mp.

Lord Il

Got Resistance 3 for Christmas. Not usually one for shooters, but this draws me in. Very enjoyable to the point where it makes me feel like I'm really in the the middle of the action at times. I love games that can immerse you into them like a good movie. The story picks up a few years after the second game (still in the 1950s). Still have a lot to do yet but I hope this will be a longer game than before.


Ah, I put fortify sneak on everything.
Unfortunately this includes dragons.  Which kind of sucks, they completely ignore me even when I chase after them shooting dragonrend and arrows.

Even when I hit them with dragon rend, they just fly away like I never hit them.

E^D Crow

Picked up Soul Calibur V.  Awesome, as usual, but I think I need to use the controller, as I do much worse with my arcade stick...  Also:  The story mode is terrible, and written like a really bad fan-fic.  Otherwise, besides the new characters who are a lot like the old characters that are not in the game, it is a great Soul Calibur game, and I absolutely love Voldo's new costumes.


Just played BlazBlue Continuum Shift, and well...  Here's my experience, in a nutshell:

Story and dialogue:[/u] "What the fuck am I reading!?"
Graphics and art design:[/u]  "It sure is pretty!  But...  What the fuck am I looking at?"
Actually playing the game:[/u]  I have no idea what I'm doing, and yet most matches wind up: "[Character I chose] WIN!"

Another thing:  Who the hell translated this game!?  Is it supposed to be horrible Engrish?  Examples:  REBEL 1 (uuuhh, knowing a little about Japanese phonetics, shouldn't it be "Level 1"?)  Arakune (ah-ra-ku-ney?  Even if it's pronounced that way, shouldn't it be spelled Arachne?)


Still playing Skyrim.


Kid Icarus: Uprising for 3DS...

Practically, Excel Saga anime in videogame form  :il_hahaha:

The dialogues... THE DIALOGUES!  :il_hahaha:


Anyone else planning on getting Max Payne 3 for PC? (Or any platform... doesn't really matter, but I'll be playing on PC.) Was thinking of making an ACROSS crew, but I don't want to be the only member. :il_hahaha:


I might wanna get it, but I wanna make sure it's actually worth buying right away...
It would be an instant buy if it were by Remedy, but since it's not, I really don't want to jump into a game that might be more wannabe Max Payne than the actual Max Payne brand...
Hope the story still has plenty of noir moments, I LOVED that in the first two, mostly the first though, and it doesn't really help if the game has a drunken fully bearded max with big muscles, sitting in Brazil... Yeah I get a bit nervous where the game is heading when I see that...

I guess I'll find out if I want it hen it's out, and I hear form people what they think :P
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


My friend has it and thinks it's AMAZING. He's been a fan of the other games as well. I played it just a little bit and it seemed hard as shit.